
Remote data management hooks. Load data using hooks and perfom a remote action using hooks

NPM JavaScript Style Guide


npm install --save react-remote-data-hooks


  • useDataLoader
import React, from 'react'

import { useDataLoader } from 'react-remote-data-hooks'

const Example = props => {
  const { data, loaded, loading, error, reload } = useDataLoader<MyDataType>(loadDataFromAnywhere);

  if(!loaded || loading) {
    return loader; // Shw your loader here

    return renderError(); // render your error message here;

  return <AnyComponent data={data} onReload={reload} /> // passing the loaded data here, calling reload will reload the content
  • usePerformAction
import React, from 'react'

import { usePerformAction } from 'react-remote-data-hooks'

const Example = props => {
  const { isPerforming, performAction, error } = usePerformAction(myAction, onSuccess, onError); // onSuccess and onError are optional

  if(isPerforming) {
    return loader; // Shw your loader here

    return renderError(); // render your error message here;

  return <button onClick={performAction} disabled={isPerforming} /> // passing the loaded data here


MIT © skkallayath