
Generator fragments for MC production

Primary LanguagePython


Generator fragments for MC production

The package includes the datacards used for various generators inclusing POWHEG, MG5_aMC@NLO, Sherpa, Phantom, Pythia...

Further details are reported in the twiki: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/GeneratorMain#How_to_produce_gridpacks

Instructions on how to use the fragments are here https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/GitRepositoryForGenProduction

My instructions for h->aa

Set-up on lxplus 6 (do only once)

From lxplus6 (ssh -Y username@lxplus6.cern.ch) , follow the instructions in https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/CMS/QuickGuideMadGraph5aMCatNLO#Quick_tutorial_on_how_to_produce to get a genproductions area:

mkdir mygridpack_area
cd mygridpack_area
git clone git@github.com:cms-sw/genproductions.git genproductions
cd genproductions/bin/MadGraph5_aMCatNLO/

Go to the bbtautau area to generate input files for all mass scenarios:

cd cards/production/2017/13TeV/bbtautau_final_state/
bash createCards_ggh01_M125_Toa01a01_Tobbtautau_2017.sh
bash createCards_vbfh01_M125_Toa01a01_Tobbtautau_2017.sh
bash createCards_Wh01_M125_Toa01a01_Tobbtautau_2017.sh
bash createCards_Zh01_M125_Toa01a01_Tobbtautau_2017.sh

Generate a gridpack

(this can take long and fail for no reason, you can retry the same command if it has failed)

For one mass point:

cd ../../../../..
./gridpack_generation.sh ggh01_M125_Toa01a01_M40_Tobbtautau cards/production/2017/13TeV/bbtautau_final_state/ggh01_M125_Toa01a01_Tobbtautau/ggh01_M125_Toa01a01_M40_Tobbtautau

One script that takes care of all mass points for one process (I did WH and ZH):

source generate_gridpacks_2016_WH.sh
source generate_gridpacks_2016_ZH.sh

My instructions for h->a1a2

Go to the bbtautau area to generate input files for all mass scenarios:

cd cards/production/2017/13TeV/bbtautau_final_state/

For non-cascade scenarios (M2 < 2 M1), type the mass points into noCascadeMassPoints.txt, and create the datacards like so (only WH and ZH shown):

source createCards_Wh03_M125_Toh01h02.sh
source createCards_Zh03_M125_Toh01h02.sh

For cascade scenarios (M2 > 2 M1), type the mass points into cascadeMassPoints.txt, and create the datacards like so (only WH and ZH shown):

source createCards_Wh03_M125_Toh01h02_h02_Toh01h01.sh
source createCards_Zh03_M125_Toh01h02_h02_Toh01h01.sh

The output datacards are in Wh03_M125_Toh01h02/cascades and Wh03_M125_Toh01h02/no-cascades etc.

Generate a gridpack

First, navigate to genproductions/bin/MadGraph5_aMCatNLO/, and run the scripts:

source generate_gridpacks_Wh3_M125_Toh1h2_2017.sh

I had to manually move the resulting gridpacks to a more organized folder structure (a gridpacks/ directory)

Validate the gridpacks


source validate_gridpacks_2016_WH.sh

This will save all the .lhe files to a lheFiles/ directory; afterwards, enter this directory and pipe the 10 lines after Events into a text file to quickly see the relevant lines:

grep -A 10 '<event>' *.lhe > summary.txt