A simple object oriented library that contains helper functions and classes.
Never assume an object is threadsafe. If in doubt, check the associated header file. Some objects may state that they are thread safe, however the deletion function may not be thread safe, there is no way to free an object in a thread safe manner.
Making: To make the project follow the commands below... Linux: make sudo make install
...or simply
make all
make arduino
Notes for Modifying Files for Arduino: When modifying files so for Arduino, it is suggested to modify the files in the main directory and then call 'sh arduino_prep_commit.sh' before committing. This will ensure your changes will be shown in git as all source files in the main directory are ignored.
Conventions: For a structure to be considered a class, it must follow the class naming convention as well as have a related 'new()' and 'del()' function which can dynamically allocate memory for the object as well as initialize it.
Most objects are dynamically allocated and must be manually freed when no longer needed.
This was by design as copying large objects is very inefficient. It is also best practice
as most objects have dynamically allocated members, meaning you must uninitialize them anyways.
This creates consistency and efficiency.
Class declarations/definitions will ALWAYS have a capital letter for the first letter
of every word within the class name. This is used to help determine how a struct
should be used.
All class functions will start with the class's name, except lifecycle functions. Parts of
the function name should be seperated from each other as well as the class name
using underscores, '_'.
Only 'newClass()' and 'delClass()' functions MUST break the above function naming
convention. Any other lifecycle function may also break the above rules if the
function name is a single word, function names such as 'freeAllClass()' are not
allowed and must be written as 'Class_free_all()' or 'freeClass_all()'. Sometimes
lifecycle functions that do conform to the lifecycle function naming convention need
to be extended. In these cases, you are allowed to add an extension to the name
by adding an underscore plus the extension name, i.e. 'newMyClass_ex()'. All extended
lifecycle functions must accomplish the same basic job. This means that you can't have
two functions 'newClass()' and 'newClass_ex()' where the first creates an object and
the second prints a string, they must both allocate memory and return the object's pointer.
Class files that have a '_protected' or '_private' appended to the end of them means that
their class definition is hidden and members should only be accessed through functions.
If they must be accessed directly, simply include the protected/private header file.
All objects' 'new()' methods must allocate memory for the object, initialize the object's
members and return, either by return value or by an argument pointer, the newly allocated
All objects' 'del()' method must take a double pointer to the object, free the object and
any memory it is responsible for, and set the pointer to NULL.
Notes: A long time ago, in a dark corner of the programming universe, I was asked to use libuv for a TCP server for several applications. It was at that time 'UvTcp', 'UvTcpClient', and 'UvTcpServer' were born. NEVER use these unless absolutely necessary. I thought about deleting them, however they will remain for a short time incase I need them again. Do not expect them to stay in later versions of the library as they are all very buggy mainly due to the idiotic 'assert()' design by libuv's creators...nothing like having a library that crashes your application with no dicernable information as to why it crashed...