
A Docker log driver sending logs to Telegram

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Telegram Log Driver

pkg-img version-img license-img

This Docker plugin allows you to collect logs from your containers and send them to a specified Telegram chat using a Telegram Bot.


Run the following command to install the plugin:

docker plugin install sklyarx/docker-log-driver-telegram:latest --alias telegram --grant-all-permissions

To check installed plugins, use the docker plugin ls command. Plugins that have started successfully are listed as enabled:

$ docker plugin ls
ID                  NAME                DESCRIPTION           ENABLED
ac720b8fcfdb        telegram            Telegram Logging Driver   true


The upgrade process involves disabling the existing plugin, upgrading, then re-enabling and restarting Docker:

docker plugin disable telegram --force
docker plugin upgrade telegram sklyarx/docker-log-driver-telegram:latest --grant-all-permissions
docker plugin enable telegram
systemctl restart docker


To cleanly uninstall the plugin, disable and remove it:

docker plugin disable telegram --force
docker plugin rm telegram

Change the logging driver for a container

The docker run command can be configured to use a different logging driver than the Docker daemon’s default with the --log-driver flag. Any options that the logging driver supports can be set using the --log-opt <NAME>=<VALUE> flag. --log-opt can be passed multiple times for each option to be set.

The following command will start a container and send logs to a Telegram Bot, using a specified API token and chat ID:

docker run --log-driver=telegram \
    --log-opt token="<your_bot_token>" \
    --log-opt chat_id="<your_chat_id>" \

Change the default logging driver

If you want the Telegram logging driver to be the default for all containers, change Docker’s daemon.json file ( located in /etc/docker on Linux) and set the value of log-driver to telegram:

  "debug": true,
  "log-driver": "telegram",
  "log-opts": {
    "token": "<your_bot_token>",
    "chat_id": "<your_chat_id>"

Note: log-opt configuration options in daemon.json must be provided as strings. Boolean and numeric values must therefore be enclosed in quotes (").

After changing daemon.json, restart the Docker daemon for the changes to take effect. All newly created containers from that host will then send logs to the Telegram Bot via the driver.

Supported log-opt options

To specify additional logging driver options, you can use the –log-opt NAME=VALUE flag.

Option Required? Default Value Description
url No https://api.telegram.org Telegram API URL.
token Yes Telegram Bot API token.
chat_id Yes Telegram Chat ID to send logs to.
retries No 5 The maximum number of retries. Setting it to 0 will retry indefinitely.
timeout No 10s The timeout to use when sending logs to the Telegram API. Valid time units are “ns”, “us” (or “µs”), “ms”, “s”, “m”, “h”.
no-file No false Disable creation of log files on disk. This means you won’t be able to use docker logs on the container anymore. You can use this if you don’t need to use docker logs and you run with limited disk space. (By default, files are created)
keep-file No false Keep the JSON log files once the container is stopped. By default, files are removed, which means you won’t be able to use docker logs once the container is stopped.
template No {log} The Go template to format the log message. By default, the log will be sent as is. Example: --log-opt template="{container_name}: {log}".
filter-regex No A regular expression to filter logs. Only logs that match the regex will be sent to the Telegram Bot. Example: --log-opt filter-regex="ERROR|WARN"

Available tags for the log template

To customize the log message format using the template option, you can use the following tags:

Tag Description
{log} The actual log message.
{timestamp} The timestamp when the log entry was created.
{container_id} The ID of the container emitting the log.
{container_full_id} The full ID of the container emitting the log.
{container_name} The name of the container emitting the log.
{image_id} The ID of the image used by the container.
{image_full_id} The full ID of the image used by the container.
{image_name} The name of the image used by the container.
{daemon_name} The name of the Docker daemon.

Example Usage

Using docker run

You can use the --log-driver flag to set the logging driver for a specific container. Use the --log-opt flag to set logging options. Here's an example:

docker run --log-driver=telegram \
    --log-opt token="<bot_token>" \
    --log-opt chat_id="<chat_id>" \
    --log-opt template="{container_name}: {log}" \

Using docker-compose

In your docker-compose.yml file, you can configure the logging driver and options for each service. Here's an example:

version: '3.8'

    image: your/image
      driver: telegram
        token: "<bot_token>"
        chat_id: "<chat_id>"
        template: "{container_name}: {log}"

In both examples, replace <bot_token> with your Telegram Bot token and <chat_id> with the chat ID where the logs will be sent.