Game Engines 2 Supplemental Lab Exam 2017

Start with a blank Unity project and create the scenario in this youtube video:



  • There are 10 “traffic lights” arranged in a circle of radius 10 centred around the origin (0,0,0).
  • Each traffic light cycles through green, yellow and red and then back to green again. Traffic lights stay green for a random time of between 5 and 10 seconds.
  • Traffic lights go yellow for exactly 4 seconds always.
  • Traffic lights stay red for a random time of between 5 and 10 seconds and then go back to green again.
  • When the program starts, each traffic light is set to be red, yellow or green randomly.
  • The purple “car” picks a green traffic light to go to at random.
  • It should only ever go to a green traffic light.
  • When it arrives at a green traffic light it should pick another green traffic light to arrive at.
  • If the traffic light it's heading for turns yellow or red when it's on the way, it should pick a different traffic light to go to.

Marking Scheme:

Description Marks

  • Implementing the traffic lights 35
  • Car movement 25
  • Car AI 20
  • Polish & flair 20

Marks will be awarded for creative, modular, efficient and reusable solutions that adhere to Unity idioms and coding practices.