
Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Game Engines 2 Lab Test 2021

  • This is an open book test
  • No collaboration permitted
  • Fork this git repository
  • Clone your fork (not this repo)
  • Submit the url to your repo before 5pm today through this link
  • To get full marks, you should use Steering Behaviours and a Finite State Machine with at least 3 states in your solution. I have included some code in the repo that you might find useful. Equally good solutions are also acceptable

For today's test, you will be programming this simulation of a dog fetching a ball thrown by the player. The dog is the blue thing in the video, while balls are represented by red cubes.


The dog starts by arriving at a position 10 units in front of the player. After the dog arrives, it will look at the player as the player moves around the scene. The player throws a ball by pressing the space key. When the player throws a ball, the dog will bark and then go to fetch the ball. The dog will then pick up the ball and carry it to a point 10 units in front of the player. The dog then drops the ball and waits for the player to throw another ball. The dog's tail wags faster, the faster the dog is moving.

Marking Scheme

Description Marks
Throwing the ball 10 marks
Dog fetching the ball 10 marks
Dog picking up the ball 10 marks
Dog bringing the ball to the player 10 marks
Dog dropping the ball 10 marks
Dog barking 10 marks
Tail wagging 10 marks
Correct use of git (creating at least 5 commits and one feature branch) 10 marks
Jazz (any other cool thing you want to implement to enhance the simulation) 20 marks

Submit the url to your repo before 5pm today through this link