Game Engines Lab Test 2023

In today's test you will be programming a system that allows a player to take control of a creature whenever the player enters a Pod attached to the creature. Below is a video of what the final system should look like:


Some things to note:

  • The Pod is rotating.
  • The Pod is attached to one of the segments of the creature.
  • The player is in FPS mode when the scene starts.
  • When the player enters the Pod, the players position will smoothly move to the center of the Pod.
  • Also while in the Pod, the players rotation will smoothly rotate so that it faces forward, as per the video.
  • While inside the Pod, movement is disabled and instead, WASD steers the creature.
  • Pressing z releases the creature and it will go back to it's previous behavior.


  • Fork this repository.
  • Clone it to your computer.
  • Start with either the Godot or Unity starter project in the repo. The repos contain all the Godot and Unity code from this year and last years Games Engines 2 courses, which you are free to reference and use in your solution.
  • You can use either the Godot reference or Unity reference, but no other sources or references during the test.
  • No collaboration or communication.
  • Make regular, commented commits during the test. At least 5.
  • At the end of the test, submit your git repo link.

Godot Users:

  • Open the scene exam_creature.tscn
  • Press p in the running game to pause the Boid's integration
  • Press q to quit
  • wasd to move
  • There is a Docecehedron model in the models folder you can use
  • There are behaviors on the Boid node inside the Creature node that you can enable and disable through the editor or code
  • There is a scene called collision_test that shows how to detect a collision between a Kinematicbody and an Area

Unity User:

  • Open the scene exam_creature
  • There is a Docecehedron model in the models folder you can use

Marking Scheme:

Marks Description
Making the Pod 20 marks
Player interacting with the Pod 20 marks
Controlling the creature 10 marks
Releasing the creature by pressing z 20 marks
git repo with 5 commits and 1 branch 10 marks
Any other cool things 20 marks