Game Programming Test 20204

Watch this video (click the image):



  • Fork this repository to your own github account
  • Clone the forked repository to your computer
  • Open the Godot starter project. This has all the Godot examples we made this semester
  • Start with an empty scene and create what you see in the video above

What is happening

  • There is a slider that has values from 1-20 and a label that shows the current value
  • This slider determines the number of Godot logos to spawn
  • When you click on the button, the logos will spawn in a circle around the central logo
  • The logos have gravity and will fall
  • When they land they explode and disappear

There are examples of most of the above in the repo and you can use the following resources:

If you are stuck on something feel free to ask me

You will need to use the following nodes:

  • CanvasLayer
  • HSlider
  • Label
  • Button
  • Sprite2D
  • CollisionShape2D
  • RigidBody2D

Marking scheme

Marks Description
Working UI & scene, correct use of git 20 marks
Spawning 30 marks
Gravity collisions, explosions 30 marks
Any other cool thing 20 marks

Submit your git repo url through this form.