
This is video of the sketch you will be making today:


What is happening:

There are three screens you need to program.

  • The first screen is drawn with rects. You should use a loop in your solution to this part.
  • The second screen is drawn with triangles. You should use a loop in your solution to this part.
  • In the third screen, there are 10 circles. They start at a random x position and use a random colour. The circles move from left to right. When a circle gets to the right side of the screen, it starts back at the left side of the screen. You should use loops and arrays in your solution to this part.
  • Pressing the SPACE key should switch betwen the three screens

Start with blank Processing sketch and name it D1234567_Whatever_Your_Name_Is. Replace D1234567 with your student number and Whatever_Your_Name_Is with your name. Remember to save your sketch every 10 minutes in case you run into problems!


  • This is an open book test.
  • You can use any of your previous sketches, the Processing website or any of the sketches on the course websiste to help you.
  • No use of Google, Facebook and no communication allowed
  • When your done, upload your sketch through Google classroom

Marking Scheme:

Description Marks
Rects 25 marks
Triangles 25 marks
Circles 35 marks
Keyboard handling 15 marks