Game Engines 2 Lab Test Supplemental 2024

Click for a video of the octopus creation system you will create today:


  • Fork this repo
  • Clone your fork
  • Open either the Godot or the Unity starter project
  • Create a new scene and add an octopus_creator node/script
  • Add fields for num_tentacles and tentacle_length
  • Modify the code in _process in to draw the gizmo as per the video showing where the parts will be generated
  • I suggest you draw a diagram and work this out on paper first.
  • Modify the code in _ready to create the elements of the creature from CSGNodes and animate it using Tweens or whatever you like. You can use the spine_animator script

Marking Scheme

Description Marks
Setting up scene 20 marks
Gizmo drawing 20 marks
Instantiating the segments 20 marks
Animating the segments 20 marks
Any other cool thing 20 marks

You should make a commit with a message every 20 minutes

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