
  • ssh access
  • python2.7-minimal
ansible-playbook --user kika --become --ask-become-pass -i 'server-ip-or-hostname,' hacklab.yml --ask-pass

Note: --ask-pass is only needed once before setting up the ssh keys. Make sure to add your key in roles/hacklab/defaults/main.yml since password access is disabled in ssh first thing.

See hacklab.yml for some configs too (hostname and main LAN interface).


Computer setup

  • has two disks, GPT partitions /dev/sda1 2048 6143 4096 2M BIOS boot /dev/sda2 241M Linux RAID /dev/sda3 232.6G Linux LVM

  • /dev/md0 is /boot, raid1 based on sda2 and sdb2 sda3 and sdb3 are PV in a single VG root, home and swap are raid1 type LVs grub-install is run on both sda1 and sdb1