
A lightweight cross platform REST client.

Primary LanguagePascal

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HTTP request inspector

A crossplatform desktop tool for inspecting http requests. The application allows you to send http requests GET, POST, PUT, etc and analyse its responses.


Main window

Main window

Vertical layout and filtered JSON

Vertical layout



Formatted JSON

Formatted JSON

Compile from sources

For compiling from sources you will need the following requirements:

  • Lazarus 1.8
  • FreePascal 3.0.4
  • Qt5Pas for Qt5 widget set, can be installed by sudo apt install libqt5pas1 on Ubuntu

Before compiling the application you will have to install a components package components/rest_explorer. In Lazarus from the main menu Package / Open package file (.lpk)... open the file components/rest_explorer/rest_explorer.lpk and then compile and install the package. Please ensure that the package TAChart is also installed.

On Linux you can compile and create the install package (deb) by Makefile. For example:

  • make linux32 for compiling a release binary for i386
  • make linux64 or for amd64
  • make linux64-qt for compiling a release with Qt5 widget set
  • make deb-linux32 creates a deb package for i386
  • make appimage creates AppImage binary (only amd64)

For more targets see output of make.

Refer to install/windows/Readme.txt for information how to compile on Windows and to create Windows binary installers.

Notes for Windows

The HTTPS requests require the OpenSSL DLLs to be on the system. These DLLs you can get from https://indy.fulgan.com/SSL/ or from "install/windows" directory. Put these DLLs along compiled exe binary.

Setup distributions already have these OpenSSL DLLs.