
A program that outputs the route needed to escape a 2d maze (from txt input)

Primary LanguageJava


A program that outputs the route needed to escape a 2d maze (input).

MazeChallenge takes a txt file as input (resources folder), validates it, parses it into a maze object and tries to find a way out of it. If successful, it outputs on console the coordinates which are needed to escape the maze.

The input txt should contain only the following: "X" for a wall, "_" for an open path, "S" for the starting point and "G" for the ending point.

The MainApp.class contains the main method where the program can be started, as well as the String which needs to be changed for your custom Maze Files.

MazeChallenge also contains several tests which, well.., test several, ehmm.. test cases where something could go wrong.

The included Algorithm is called Depth First Search (DFS) traversing Algorithm, which is an edge based method and works recursively where the vertices are explored along a path edge.