
React Native app listing car mechanics in the area

Primary LanguageTypeScript

MEK: React Native


  • You must install expo tools before setting up the project, assuming you have npm installed
  • npm install expo-cli --global


  • Make sure to be in your desired directory
  • git clone git@github.com:olafkotur/mek.git
  • yarn Do this each time package.json has changed, installs all relevant node_modules
  • yarn start Starts the local server
  • ? to get more available options

View App: Device

  • Download expo app from the app store
  • Android: Scan the barcode that is printed after running yarn start
  • iOS: Login to your expo account on the expo app, the project will be listed after running yarn start
  • You must have an internet connection

View App: Simulator

  • After running yarn start, press either i for iOS or a Android simulators, this will install and run the app
  • You must have an internet connection, alertnatively run yarn offline - this will allow you to run the simulator without internet

Notable folders and files

  • assets/ Static data such as images for the entire app
  • src/client/ Front-end related code that is directly shown to the user
  • src/server/ Back-end related code that carries out extra processing - any service should be called using a controller when requested from the client side
  • src/config.ts Configuration information for the app that is passed globally
  • src/db.ts Database related code responsible to store the connection - all connections should be requested from this file
  • .env Environment variables - this file does not initally exist and must be created, ask someone for the variable data