
This is a repo for doing advanced testing

Primary LanguagePython

Just Python 3.8

Advanced Testing with Github Actions

Python 3.6-3.8 + PyPi

Python package

Ubuntu + OS X Python 3.6-3.8 + PyPi

Python package

Code Climate Maintability


Code Climate Test Coverage

Test Coverage

AWS Code Build

![AWS Badge]


This is a repo for doing advanced testing

Setup Project

  1. Create and source virtualenv
virtualenv ~/.advanced-testing
source ~/.advanced-testing/bin/activate
  1. Create scaffold
touch Makefile && touch test_hello.py && touch hello.py. && requirements.txt
  1. Populate Makefile
	pip install --upgrade pip &&\
		pip install -r requirements.txt

	python -m pytest -vv --cov=hello --cov=hellocli test_hello.py

	pylint --disable=R,C hello.py hellocli.py

all: install lint test

How to debug

  • Print
  • pdb
  • testing

How to do more things with Github Actions