

  1. Define instance type and AWS region

File has got region in name, just in case someone would like to deploy that onto multi-regions.

  1. Create ssh key-pair on AWS in the region, which you choose
  2. Create AMI user with access to the AWS API, for the purpose of this exercises it was quite wide - AdministratorAccess

Deploy infrastructure

terraform init

terraform plan -var-file values/development-task-hr-eu-west-1.tfvars -var="aws_access_key=XXXXXXXX" -var="aws_secret_key=YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY" -out plan.out

terraform apply plan.out


  1. Access bastion host via ssh
ssh -i ~/.ssh/xapo-interview.pem  ec2-user@<BASTION_PUBLIC_IP>
  1. Check out index.html on both nginx nodes from bastion host
curl -q -s http://<NGINX_1_PRIVATE_IP>
curl -q -s http://<NGINX_2_PRIVATE_IP>

Improvments - proposal how to make this task even better.

  1. Use s3 as a backend for terraform.
  2. Use DynamoDB table for terraform locking.
  3. Add LoadBalancer in front of nginx.