
Vercel lambda for sending Apex Ping alerts to Telegram

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Apex Ping Telegram Webhook

This repo contains a Vercel lambda function that receives alert POST requests sent by the Apex Ping service, formats them into a human-readable messages, and asks a Telegram bot to post them to a chat with the specified ID.

How to use

Ask https://t.me/@BotFather to create a new bot. Securely store its token somewhere, it will be referred later as <bot_token>.

Now, create a new Telegram channel. Add the bot you've just created to the channel's admin list, granting the message sending privilege (and only it).

Now, we need to get the channel ID. Send this request:

curl -i -X GET 'https://api.telegram.org/bot<bot_token>/getUpdates'

Write down the value of result[0].my_chat_member.chat.id field of the resulting JSON. This is the ID of the chat you've created, we'll refer to it as <chat_id>.

Generate a random access token that you'll use to restrict access to the lambda function. It will be referred as <lambda_auth_token>.

Clone this repo and deploy a Vercel app from your clone, setting these environment variables:

  • BOT_TOKEN to <bot_token>
  • CHAT_ID to <chat_id>
  • AUTH_TOKEN to <lambda_auth_token>

Now, go to your Apex Ping alerts configuration and add a Webhook alert with the URL of your Vercel lambda with the path set to api/webhook and the token query field set to <lambda_auth_token>, for example:


You're all set!