Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9
Day 10 Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 Day 15 Day 16 Day 17 Day18
Day 19 Day 20 Day 21 Day 22 Day 23 Day 24 Day 27
Day 28 Day 29 Day 30 Day 31 Day 36
Day 37

Day 1

1. Remove Duplicate From Sorted Array
2. Two Sum
3. Move Zeroes
4. Middle of the Linked List
5. Sort a linked list of 0s, 1s and 2s
6. BFS Traversal of Graph
7. DFS Traversal of Graph

Day 2

8. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stocks
9. Find the Index of first Occurrence in a String
10. Add Binary
11. Linked List Cycle

Day 3

12. N Queen
13. M Coloring Problem
14. Sudoko Solver

Day 4

15. Find the Duplicate Number
16. Sort Colors
17. Find the All Duplicate Number
18. Find Duplicate Char in a String
19. Reverse Words in a String
20. Number of Islands
21. Find the Number Of Islands

Day 5

22. Diameter Of Binary Tree
23. Invert Tree
24. Subtree of a another Tree
25. Symmetric Tree
26. Range Sum BST
27. Convert Sorted Array To BST
28. Merge Two Binary Tree
29. Maximum Depth of Binary Tree
30. Binary Tree Paths
31. Same Tree

Day 6

32. Lowest Common Ancestor
33. Path Sum
34. Minimun Absolute Difference in BST

Day 7

35. Sum Of Left Leaves
36. SubArray Sum Divisible by k

Day 8

37. 3 Sum
38. 4 Sum
39. Subarray Sum Equals K
40. Spiral Matrix
41. Majority Element
42. Word Search
43. Merge Sorted Array

Day 9

44. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II
45. Jump Game

Day 10

46. Valid Parenthese
47. Generate Parenthese
48. Rotate Image
49. Intersection of two Linked List

Day 11

50. Longest Common Prefix
51. Convert Binary Number in a linked list to Integer
52. Remove Duplicates from sorted Linked Lists
53. Remove Linked List Elements
54. Merge Two Sorted Linked List
55. Reverse Linked List

Day 12

56. Container with Most water
57. Max Area of Island
58. Set Matrix Zero
59. All Unique Permutation
60. Valid Parenthese II
61. Integer To Roman

Day 13

62. Largest Rectangle Histogram
63. Permutation in Array

Day 14

64. Minimum Moves to equal array elements II
65. Product of 3 Numbers
66. Product Array Puzzle

Day 15

67. Permute two arrays such that sum of every pair is greater or equal to K

Day 16

68. Ceiling in a Sorted Array
69. Find Pair Given Difference
70. Check if reversing a sub array make the array sorted

Day 17

71. Non Overlapping Interval
72. Multiply Two Linked List
73. Palindrome Linked List

Day 18

74. Task Scheduler

Day 19

75. Delete nodes having greater value on right
76. Add Two Numbers
77. Add Two Numbers II

Day 20

78. Simplify Path
79. Group Anagrams
80. Print Anagrams Together
81. Valid Number

Day 21

82. Balanced Binary Tree
83. Predecessor and Successor
84. Binary Tree InOrder Traversal
85. Check Whether BST contains DEAD END
86. BST Iterator
87. Lowest Common Ancestor
88. Unique Binary Search Tree II
89. Binary Tree Right Side View
90. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal
91. Median Of BST

Day 22

92. Top K Freequent Elements
93. Kth Largest Element in an Array
94. Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted Matrix
95. Largest SubArray With Sum 0
96. Ugly Number II

Day 23

97. Climbing Stairs

Day 24

98. Copy List With Random Pointer
99. Reverse Linked List ||
100. Remove Nth node from end of list
101. Coin Change

Day 27

102. Detect cycle in a Directed Graph
103. Detect cycle in a Undirected Graph

Day 28

104. Longest Common Substring
105. Longest Increasing Subsequence

Day 29

106. Unique Path
107. Minimum Path Sum

Day 30

108. Subsets

Day 31

109. Best Time To Buy and Sell Stocks IV
110. Job Sequencing Problem
111. Rain Water Trapping
112. Counting Bits

Day 36

113. Reverse Pairs
114. Chocolate Distribution Problem
115. Super Egg Drops
116. Game Of Life

Day 37

117. Integer To Enlish

Day 38

118. Phone Directory