Mirror of the companion website for Quantum Chemistry in the Age of Machine Learning edited by Pavlo O. Dral

Quantum Chemistry in the Age of Machine Learning (paperback ISBN: 9780323900492) is a book edited by Pavlo O. Dral.

This website collects complimentary electronic material and links to repositories with programs, data, instructions, sample input and output files required for case studies as well as any post-publication updates.

Material for Case studies

Part 1. Introduction

Chapter 1. Very brief introduction to quantum chemistry by Xun Wu and Peifeng Su


Chapter 2. Density functional theory by Hong Jiang and Huai-Yang Sun


Chapter 3. Semiempirical quantum mechanical methods by Pavlo O. Dral and Jan Řezáč


Chapter 4. From small molecules to solid-state materials: A brief discourse on an example of carbon compounds by Bili Chen, Leyuan Cui, Shuai Wang, Gang Fu


Chapter 5. Basics of dynamics by Xinxin Zhong and Yi Zhao


Chapter 6. Machine learning: An overview by Eugen Hruska and Fang Liu


Chapter 7. Unsupervised learning by Rose K. Cersonsky and Sandip De


Chapter 8. Neural networks by Pavlo O. Dral, Alexei Kananenka, Fuchun Ge, Bao-Xin Xue


Chapter 9. Kernel methods by Max Pinheiro Jr and Pavlo O. Dral


Chapter 10. Bayesian inference by Wei Liang and Hongsheng Dai


Part 2. Machine learning potentials

Chapter 11. Potentials based on linear models by Gauthier Tallec, Gaétan Laurens, Owen Fresse–Colson, Julien Lam


Chapter 12. Neural network potentials by Jinzhe Zeng, Liqun Cao, Tong Zhu


Chapter 13. Kernel method potentials by Yi-Fan Hou and Pavlo O. Dral


Chapter 14. Constructing machine learning potentials with active learning by Cheng Shang and Zhi-Pan Liu


Chapter 15. Excited-state dynamics with machine learning by Lina Zhang, Arif Ullah, Max Pinheiro Jr, Mario Barbatti, Pavlo O. Dral


Chapter 16. Machine learning for vibrational spectroscopy by Sergei Manzhos, Manabu Ihara, Tucker Carrington


Chapter 17. Molecular structure optimizations with Gaussian process regression by Roland Lindh and Ignacio Fernández Galván

Download from the companion website: https://www.elsevier.com/__data/assets/file/0005/1295033/part2-chapter17files.zip

Part 3. Machine learning of quantum chemical properties

Chapter 18. Learning electron densities by Bruno Cuevas-Zuviría


Chapter 19. Learning dipole moments and polarizabilities by Yaolong Zhang, Jun Jiang, Bin Jiang


Chapter 20. Learning excited-state properties by Julia Westermayr, Pavlo O. Dral, Philipp Marquetand

Case study 1


Case study 2

Code and tutorial: https://github.com/schnarc/SchNarc/tree/DipoleMoments_Spectra Data: https://bit.ly/3lnUaZb

Part 4. Machine learning-improved quantum chemical methods

Chapter 21. Learning from multiple quantum chemical methods: Δ-learning, transfer learning, co-kriging, and beyond by Pavlo O. Dral, Tetiana Zubatiuk, Bao-Xin Xue


Chapter 22. Data-driven acceleration of coupled-cluster and perturbation theory methods by Grier M. Jones, P. D. Varuna S. Pathirage, Konstantinos D. Vogiatzis

Code examples of the case studies: https://ChemRacer.github.io/DDQC_Demo/ Source code: https://github.com/ChemRacer/DDQC_Demo

Chapter 23. Redesigning density functional theory with machine learning by Jiang Wu, Guanhua Chen, Jingchun Wang, Xiao Zheng


Chapter 24. Improving semiempirical quantum mechanical methods with machine learning by Pavlo O. Dral and Tetiana Zubatiuk

Initial guess for the ethylene geometry:


C       -0.723601672      0.000000000     -1.235611088
C       -0.723601672      0.000000000      0.094546912
H       -0.723601672      0.923341000     -1.808561088
H       -0.723601672     -0.923341000     -1.808561088
H       -0.723601672      0.923341000      0.667496912
H       -0.723601672     -0.923341000      0.667496912

Follow the instructions at http://mlatom.com/AIQM1 to perform geometry optimization and thermochemical calculations with AIQM1.

Chapter 25. Machine learning wavefunction by Stefano Battaglia


Part 5. Analysis of Big Data

Chapter 26. Analysis of nonadiabatic molecular dynamics trajectories by Yifei Zhu, Jiawei Peng, Hong Liu and Zhenggang Lan

Case study 1


Case study 2


Case study 3


Chapter 27. Design of organic materials with tailored optical properties: Predicting quantum-chemical polarizabilities and derived quantities by Gaurav Vishwakarma, Aditya Sonpal, Aatish Pradhan, Mojtaba Haghighatlari, Mohammad Atif Faiz Afzal, Johannes Hachmann

Code snippets are provided directly in the chapter text.