
show result of search textfield and searchBar

Primary LanguageSwift

Auto complete searchBar and auto complete text field:-

write text in search bar or textfield and it will show match from table list that will show matched text in list under component

step to work in your project 1- add files that you need for AutoCompleteTextField, or AutoCompleteSearchBar

2- for both drag and drop to storyboard UISearchBar or uiTextField and change class to custom view ( AutoCompleteSearchBar , or SearchText)

alt tag 3- create outlet from this view 4- confirm protocal for your component. 5- set delegete for component to know which element had been selected. 6- add datasource for component

alt tag 7- add final you find this result.

alt tag 8- feel free to changed code to adopet to your project.

may be in scrollviews not ok you will need to adjust postion of result search table view.

9- i hope you find it helpful.