
:bar_chart: Programmatically collecting and reporting various data about me

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


This piece of software is collecting data about me all the time and aggregating them. Read about this project more →

See a demo on my home page.

Websites Using personal-dashboard


Easy way: Docker

Copy your edits to fixture.py and tasks.config to /pd on the host machine.

$ docker build -t pd .
$ docker run -d --restart=always \
    -v /pd/tasks.config:/app/tasks.config:ro \
    -v /pd/fixture.py:/app/fixture.py:ro \
    --name=personal_dashboard pd

Validate it works with docker logs -f personal_dashboard and you do not need to do any of the steps below. :)


You should get the following packages on your system:

  • python
  • supervisor
  • python-pip (easy_install pip)
  • virtualenvwrapper (to python packages folder tidy)

Setting up virtual environment

personal-dashboard and simplegauges are not in PyPi yet. So you'll use GitHub to get the bits.

Go to directory where you want to install and:

mkvirtualenv pd
workon pd
git clone https://github.com/ahmetalpbalkan/personal-dashboard.git
cd personal-dashboard
git clone https://github.com/ahmetalpbalkan/simplegauges.git
pip install pytz python-dateutil APScheduler

Setting up tasks

You can find each task under tasks/ directory. If you open up e.g. twitter.py you will see the folllowing:

@requires('twitter.consumer_key', 'twitter.consumer_secret',
          'twitter.access_token', 'twitter.access_secret',

This means you need to add these keys to tasks.config file. In the personal-dashboard directory, you will find tasks.config.sample file, which is a JSON file. You can rename this file to tasks.config and add new keys as needed.

After that you have to fetch the dependencies for twitter task (see the section below) and set the fixture on this task.

If you go to fixture.py, a sample configuration provided along with examples and how to set up the scheduling for the tasks you need.

Python package dependencies for tasks

  • fb.py: facebook-sdk
  • twitter.py: tweepy
  • runkeeper.py : healthgraph-api
  • kloutcom.py : klout
  • reporting.py : azure
  • foursq.py : foursquare
  • lastfm : requests
  • tmp102 : i2c-tools & python-smbus (Ubuntu/Debian packages, use apt-get)

Starting data collector manually

Data collector is called taskhost.py. After running workon pd, you can run python taskhost.py and it will:

  1. read the configuration from tasks.config file
  2. read the task schedules from fixture.py
  3. run each task successfully once
  4. schedule tasks at the specified periods in the fixture
  5. keep running

This process has to run all the time to collect data continuously and it may crash sporadically. This is why we need supervisor, a process monitoring system that could restart process when it unexpectedly quits or machine reboots.

Setting up supervisor

To keep collecting data all the time we need to configure supervisor.

Find out your python binary in ~/.virtualenvs/pd/bin/python (e.g. /home/pi/.virtualenvs/pd/bin/python)

Create /etc/supervisor/conf.d/pd.conf by adding:

command=/home/pi/.virtualenvs/pd/bin/python -u /home/pi/personal-dashboard/taskhost.py

Restart the supervisor:

service supervisor stop
service supervisor start

Supervisor logs will show up in /var/log/supervisor/supervisord.log and personal-dasboard logs will start to show up in /var/log/pd.log in this case.

If you are seeing this in supervisord.log you are good:

2013-07-19 00:33:30,292 INFO success: pd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)


I have a task called reporting.py. This system is not quite flexible and I designed it only for myself. It aggregates data from various gauges and uploads to Azure Blob Storage as a JSON file with a JSONP callback.

You may take this as a reference implementation and write your own.