
Testing speed improvement for dfadjust package

Primary LanguageROtherNOASSERTION

Test of a modified version of Michal Kolesar's dfadjust package


This version achieves quite substantial speed-ups simply by using Sebastian Krantz's (not me, there is an extra t!) collapse package (https://github.com/SebKrantz/collapse) and replacing the tapply(x, clustervariable, sum) and apply(some_matrix,2,tapply(x,clustervaiable,sum)) calls with collapse::fsum.

Example and Speed comparision

Speed gains seem largest if there are many x variables. That is because the call to df0 inside the code loops through all x variables and collapse::fsum substantially speeds up df0.

In the following example with many x, the modification yields roughly a 10x speed-up.

N = 1000
S = 20 # num_cluster
K = 200 # num_x

X = matrix(rnorm(N*K),N,K)
colnames(X) = paste0("x",1:K)
clustervar = as.factor(rep(1:S, each = N/S))
y = rnorm(N)
dat = cbind(data.frame(y=y, as.data.frame(X)))
reg = lm(y~., data=dat)

# Original dfadjust
start.time <- Sys.time()
org = dfadjust::dfadjustSE(reg, clustervar)
## Time difference of 8.170841 secs
# Faster version using collapse::fsum
start.time <- Sys.time()
fast = dfadjustFaster::dfadjustSE(reg, clustervar)
## Time difference of 0.7872219 secs
# Roughly a 10x speed improvement in this example

# Results are essentially equal
## [1] TRUE