
Open source SQL engine in Python

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


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Quokka is an open-source push-based vectorized query engine. Inspired by recent high performance database designs at Snowflake, DuckDB and SingleStore etc., it is meant to be much more performant than blocking-shuffle based alternatives like SparkSQL. On test TPC-H queries, Quokka currently is often several times faster than open-source SparkSQL and an order of magnitude faster than Dask.


Unlike most other database engines, Quokka is implemented completely in Python and is meant to be easily extensible for new operations and use cases, e.g. time series analytics and feature engineering.

Quokka operates on DataStreams, which are basically Spark RDDs except data partitions can be produced serially. A data partition can be consumed immediately after it's produced, unlike Spark where all the partitions have to be present in the RDD before the shuffle happens. This allows Quokka to pipeline multiple shuffles and I/O, leading to large performance gains.


Quokka requires Redis > 6.2. You can install latest Redis using:

curl -fsSL https://packages.redis.io/gpg | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/redis-archive-keyring.gpg

echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/redis-archive-keyring.gpg] https://packages.redis.io/deb $(lsb_release -cs) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/redis.list

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install redis

Make sure to run redis-server -v to check the Redis Server version! The default apt-get install version is most likely wrong.

pip3 install pyquokka

Docs: https://marsupialtail.github.io/quokka/

Quokka offers a DataStream API that resembles Spark's DataFrame API:

from pyquokka.df import QuokkaContext
qc = QuokkaContext()
lineitem = qc.read_csv("lineitem.tbl.named", sep="|", has_header=True)
d = lineitem.filter("l_shipdate <= date '1998-12-01' - interval '90' day")
d = d.with_column("disc_price", lambda x: x["l_extendedprice"] * (1 - x["l_discount"]), required_columns ={"l_extendedprice", "l_discount"})
d = d.with_column("charge", lambda x: x["l_extendedprice"] * (1 - x["l_discount"]) * (1 + x["l_tax"]), required_columns={"l_extendedprice", "l_discount", "l_tax"})
f = d.groupby(["l_returnflag", "l_linestatus"], orderby=["l_returnflag","l_linestatus"]).agg({"l_quantity":["sum","avg"], "l_extendedprice":["sum","avg"], "disc_price":"sum", "charge":"sum", "l_discount":"avg","*":"count"})
return f.collect()

Currently Quokka supports reading data from CSV/Parquet on disk/S3, though theoretically any data source can be supported: Apache Iceberg/DeltaLake/Hudi, S3 bucket of images, Ethereum blockchain through web3 APIs, transactional database CDC endpoints etc. If you have some esoteric data source that you want to run analytics on, please send me a challenge as a Github issue.


Quokka should not be used as a replacement for SparkSQL (it doesn't parse SQL directly yet, though it is on the roadmap). Instead you can play with it to see if it can give you better performance for your use cases. Another strength of Quokka is that it's Python-native, so you will never have to worry about JVM errors when you start using hairy UDFs with custom Python packages.

Quokka stands on the shoulders of giants. It uses Ray for task scheduling, Redis for lineage logging, Polars for relational algebra kernels and Apache Arrow for I/O. All of those are backed by efficient C++/Rust implementations. Quokka is a high-performance way of piecing them all together.

Please refer to the docs and examples in the apps directory.

For any questions/concerns/just want to chat: zihengw@stanford.edu, or join the Discord channel. Please do reach out before you use Quokka for anything real -- the code is currently written by a single underpaid PhD student, who is nevertheless happy to make Quokka work for your very specific use case.

Please raise a Github issue if you encounter any issues.