

The scope of this playbook is to Install and Setup Tomcat V-8.X.X on Centos/7 using openjdk-1.8-devel from yum repository.


Edit the group_vars/tomcat file to Declare the required parameters first.

vim group_vars/tomcat

Step 1

Have you configured a ssh keypair across you master and hosts for a user with sudo on nodes where this playbook will run?

The remote user on the node will need to become sudo in order for the tasks invoke successfully.

Step 2

Have you modified the site.yml in present working dir to perform as a specific user and to which environments (hosts) to run the playbook?

Step 3

This will dry run your playbook against the Hosts for Syntax checking

ansible-playbook site.yml -C 

Final Step

Check of tomcat.service status is loaded in systemd

systemctl status tomcat.service

Check if tomcat (java) is Listening on 8080 using Netstat.

netstat -anp | grep 8080

Relax, Have Fun and Keep Automating :)