
Terraform script to create RDS for Concourse Volumes

Primary LanguageHCLMIT LicenseMIT


Terraform modules to manage RDS resources


Creates a RDS instance, security_group, subnet_group and parameter_group

Available variables

Name Description Type Default Required
allowed_cidr_blocks CIDR blocks that are allowed to access the RDS list <list> no
apply_immediately Apply changes immediately string "true" no
auto_minor_version_upgrade Indicates that minor engine upgrades will be applied automatically to the DB instance during the maintenance window. string "true" no
availability_zone The availability zone where you want to launch your instance in string "" no
backup_retention_period How long do you want to keep RDS backups string "14" no
default_parameter_group_family Parameter group family for the default parameter group, according to the chosen engine and engine version. Defaults to mysql5.7 string "mysql5.7" no
enabled_cloudwatch_logs_exports List of log types to enable for exporting to CloudWatch logs. You can check the available log types per engine in the AWS RDS documentation. Defaults to nothing. list [] no
engine RDS engine: mysql, oracle, postgres. Defaults to mysql string "mysql" no
engine_version Engine version to use, according to the chosen engine. You can check the available engine versions using the AWS CLI. Defaults to 5.7.17 for MySQL. string "5.7.17" no
environment How do you want to call your environment, this is helpful if you have more than 1 VPC. string "production" no
maintenance_window The window to perform maintenance in. Syntax: 'ddd:hh24:mi-ddd:hh24:mi'. See RDS Maintenance Window docs for more information. string "Mon:00:00-Mon:01:00" no
monitoring_interval The interval, in seconds, between points when Enhanced Monitoring metrics are collected for the DB instance. To disable collecting Enhanced Monitoring metrics, specify 0. Valid Values: 0, 1, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60. string "0" no
multi_az Multi AZ true or false string "true" no
name The name of the RDS instance string "" no
number number of the database default 01 string "01" no
project The current project string "" no
rds_custom_parameter_group_name A custom parameter group name to attach to the RDS instance. If not provided a default one will be used string "" no
rds_password RDS root password string n/a yes
rds_username RDS root user string "root" no
security_groups Security groups that are allowed to access the RDS list n/a yes
security_groups_count Number of security groups provided in security_groups variable string n/a yes
size Instance size string "db.t2.small" no
skip_final_snapshot Skip final snapshot when destroying RDS string "false" no
snapshot_identifier Specifies whether or not to create this database from a snapshot. This correlates to the snapshot ID you'd find in the RDS console, e.g: rds:production-2015-06-26-06-05. string "" no
storage How many GBs of space does your database need? string "10" no
storage_encrypted Encrypt RDS storage string "true" no
storage_type Type of storage you want to use string "gp2" no
subnets Subnets to deploy in list n/a yes
tag A tag used to identify an RDS in a project that has more than one RDS string "" no
vpc_id ID of the VPC where to deploy in string n/a yes


Name Description
aws_db_subnet_group_id The subnet group id of the RDS instance
rds_address The hostname of the RDS instance
rds_arn The arn of the RDS instance
rds_id The id of the RDS instance
rds_port The port of the RDS instance
rds_sg_id The security group id of the RDS instance


module "rds" {
  source                          = "github.com/skyscrapers/terraform-rds//rds"
  vpc_id                          = "vpc-e123bc45"
  subnets                         = ["subnet-12345d67", "subnet-12345d68", "subnet-12345d69"]
  project                         = "myproject"
  environment                     = "production"
  size                            = "db.t2.small"
  security_groups                 = ["sg-12be345678905ebf1", "sg-1234567890aef"]
  enabled_cloudwatch_logs_exports = ["audit", "error", "slowquery"]
  security_groups_count           = 2
  rds_password                    = "supersecurepassword"
  multi_az                        = "false"


Creates a Aurora cluster + instances, security_group, subnet_group and parameter_group

Available variables

  • [security_groups]: List(required) Security groups that are allowed to access the RDS
  • [subnets]: List(required) Subnets to deploy the RDS in
  • [size]: String(optional) RDS instance size
  • [password]: String(required) RDS root password
  • [rds_username]: String(optional) RDS root user (default: root)
  • [backup_retention_period]: int(optional) How long do you want to keep RDS backups (default: 14)
  • [apply_immediately]: bool(optional) whether you want to Apply changes immediately (default: true)
  • [storage_encrypted]: bool(optional) whether you want to Encrypt RDS storage (default: true)
  • [tag]: String(optional) tag
  • [project]: String(required) the name of the project this RDS belongs to
  • [environment]: String(required) the name of the environment these subnets belong to (prod,stag,dev)
  • [skip_final_snapshot]: bool(optional) Whether to skip creating a final snapshot when destroying the resource (default: false)
  • [cluster_parameter_group_name]: String(optional) the parameter group that is used for the cluster (default: The default aurora cluster group)
  • [instance_parameter_group_name]: String(optional) the parameter group that is used for the instances of the cluster (default: aurora-rds-${var.project}-${var.environment}${var.tag})
  • [amount_of_instances]: Integer(optional) How many aurora instances do you need, minimum 2 are needed for HA (default: 1)
  • [engine]: String(optional) Aurora engine: aurora, aurora-postgresql or aurora-mysql (default: aurora)
  • [engine_version]: String(optional) Engine version to use, according to the chosen engine. You can check the available engine versions using the AWS CLI (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/reference/rds/describe-db-engine-versions.html) (default: 5.6.10a - for MySQL)
  • [family]: String(optional) Parameter group family for the default parameter group, according to the chosen engine and engine version. (default: aurora5.6 - for MySQL)
  • [default_ports]: Map(optional) The default ports for aurora and aurora-postgresql. (default: 3306 and 5432)
  • [enabled_cloudwatch_logs_exports]: List(optional) List of log types to enable for exporting to CloudWatch logs. You can check the available log types per engine in the AWS Aurora documentation. (default: [])


  • [aurora_port]: String: The port of the rds
  • [aurora_sg_id]: String: The security group ID
  • [endpoint]: String: The DNS address of the RDS instance
  • [reader_endpoint]: String: A read-only endpoint for the Aurora cluster, automatically load-balanced across replicas


module "aurora" {
  source                          = "github.com/skyscrapers/terraform-rds//aurora"
  project                         = "myproject"
  environment                     = "production"
  size                            = "db.t2.small"
  password                        = "supersecurepassword"
  subnets                         = ["subnet-12345d67", "subnet-12345d68", "subnet-12345d69"]
  amount_of_instances             = 1
  security_groups                 = ["sg-12be345678905ebf1", "sg-1234567890aef"]
  enabled_cloudwatch_logs_exports = ["audit", "error", "slowquery"]


Creates an RDS read replica instance, the replica security_group and a subnet_group if not passed as parameter

Available variables

  • [vpc_id]: String(required): ID of the VPC where to deploy in
  • [security_groups]: List(optional) Security groups that are allowed to access the RDS
  • [allowed_cidr_blocks]: List(optional) CIDR blocks that are allowed to access the RDS
  • [subnets]: List(required) Subnets to deploy the RDS in
  • [size]: String(optional) RDS instance size
  • [engine]: String(required) RDS type: mysql, postgres or oracle
  • [replicate_source_db]: String(required) RDS source to replicate from. NOTE: this must be the ARN of the instance, otherwise you cannot specify the db_subnet_group_name
  • [tag]: String(optional) the tag of the replica
  • [project]: String(required) the name of the project this RDS belongs to
  • [environment]: String(required) the name of the environment these subnets belong to (prod,stag,dev)
  • [number_of_replicas]: int(optional) number of read replicas (default 1)
  • [name]: string(optional) name of the resources (default to --rds-replica)
  • [storage_encrypted]: bool(optional) whether you want to Encrypt RDS storage (default: true)
  • [custom_parameter_group_name]: String(optional) A custom parameter group name to attach to the RDS instance. If not provided it will use the default from the master instance
  • [enabled_cloudwatch_logs_exports]: List(optional) List of log types to enable for exporting to CloudWatch logs. You can check the available log types per engine in the AWS RDS documentation. (default: [])


  • [rds_address]: String: The hostname of the rds instance
  • [rds_arn]: String: The arn of the rds
  • [rds_sg_id]: String: The security group created


module "rds" {
  source              = "github.com/skyscrapers/terraform-rds//rds-replica"
  project             = "myproject"
  environment         = "production"
  size                = "db.t2.small"
  engine              = "postgres"
  security_groups     = ["sg-12be345678905ebf1", "sg-1234567890aef"]
  replicate_source_db = "arn:aws:rds:eu-west-1:123456789012:db:myproject-production-something-rds01"
  vpc_id              = "vpc-e123bc45"
  subnets             = ["subnet-12345d67", "subnet-12345d68", "subnet-12345d69"]