Run linters

rake linters:run_all

Import admins and merchants


  1. a csv file should be without headers
  2. the header order: email;password
  3. the column separator is a semicolomn
  4. rake import_records:admins[path_to_file]


  1. a csv file should be without headers
  2. the header order: name;email;description;status;password
  3. the column separator is a semicolomn
  4. rake import_records:merchants[path_to_file]

Installation background deleting old transactions

whenever -i -s 'environment=your_environment'

Accepting payments using XML/ JSON API

  1. send a post request to /api/v1/transactions with basic authentication
  2. basic authentication creditials for develop environment: name=name password=password
  3. format requests in /spec/fixtures/files


  1. For filling database: rake db:seed
  2. login and password for the admin:

Feature tests

  1. for running: cucumber
  2. tests is placed in ./features