
A full-stack web application that resembles Netflix, developed using React, Nodejs, MongoDB and Firebase.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A full-stack web application that resembles Netflix, developed using React, Nodejs, Context API, MongoDB and Firebase.

Features of the Netflix-Clone App (for regular users):

  • User authentication and authorization using JWT.
  • Option to choose the type of content - either movie or web series.
  • Filtering the movies/shows based on the genre.
  • On clicking a particular movie/series, the trailer of the same will play on full screen. For this project, I have used Firebase as a data store for storing all the movie trailers and images and Mongo DB as the database that will store all the information about the movies/series and the users.

Admin (Developed as a separate application):

  • The admin can log in to the admin dashboard using his credentials.
  • Can view the details of all the movies/series that can be viewed by the users in the Netflix clone app.
  • The interface allows the admin to add new movies/series by accepting the movie details along with the images and trailer of the movie/ series, and delete some existing movie, series or user.
  • Can graphically view the number of users joining every month.

Screenshots of the Netflix-Clone application:



Home-screen Movie Thumbnails


Landing/Register page


Sign In page


Screenshots of Admin Dashboard:

Home/User Analytics


View movie/series details


Add new movie/series
