- An assorted collection of Dockerfiles. Build/run instructions are in each subdirectory.
- Ansible-base (base image to be able to provision via Ansible)
- Btsync
- Couchpotato
- Headphones
- Lazy Librarian
- Nginx-ansible (Ansible playbook for semi-automatically setting up Nginx reverse proxy to the containers)
- OMD (Open Monitoring Distribution. Pre-configured Nagios with Check_Mk plugin, et. al.)
- Plex
- Rdiff-backup (used for backing up data-only volumes)
- Sabnzbd
- Shinken (Nagios-compatible server monitoring)
- Sickbeard
- Syncthing
- Transmission (with OpenVPN client and privateinternetaccess.com script)
- The standard UID:GID for the containers that don't run as root is 22000:100. Make sure to update UID/GID as necessary if you have shared data and need it to be easily accessible between containers/host
- MIT License
Dockerfiles: Btsync, Couchpotato, Crashplan, Lazy Librarian, Open Monitoring Distribution (OMD), Plex, Sabnzbd, Sickbeard, Syncthing, Sickbeard, and Transmission. Ansible playbook for configuring Nginx in Docker.