Setup of a material poetry exhibition piece (heating plate, arduino, beeswax, ultrasonic sensor, solid state relay)
- arduino-lib-hc-sr04 (for ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04)
- DHT_sensor_library (for temperature sensor DHT22 [AM2302])
- 1x Arduino Leonardo
- 3x Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04
- 3x DHT22 AM2302 temperature & humidity sensor
- 4x Heating Plate (
- 1x 4-channel solid state relay
- cables
- 2x acrylic glass plates
- 2x wooden frame
- A, r, c letters in beeswax
- Alexander Wöran (Design, Art & Implementation)
- Simon Kropf (Electronics & Programming)
- make layout image
- add explanation end exhibition text
- comment code + explanations
- link to different websites (arc electronica festival, catalogues, ...)