Payroll system coded in perl

Primary LanguagePerl

This system is based on current IRS code with Utah state tax calculation.
Input is a Comma-Seperated-File which associates the employee to pay due.

Payroll is a very complex system to code. Below is a HowTo.
From CSV this code will output employee payroll stubs as an encrypted pdf emailed out respectively.
# CONTENTS ###############
ee 	- employee info files
email	- pdf stubs plain & encrypted 
last 	- last stub paid per ee csv & ytd csv
src 	- payroll code files
tables 	- annual-static files: tax, VAR
ytd 	- dir per payroll, has individual & ttl csv fils
INPUT.xls - spreadsheet
# arrays #################
@tax 	- tax tables
@var	- payroll variables
@ee	- employee static info
@pr	- new stub
@last	- prior stub
@ytd	- ytd stub
@time 	- timeclock detail
# STEP 0 #################
open INPUT.xls 
first sheet, "INPUT", update employee time
save & close
# STEP 1 #################
each employee has a same-structure-file of data
for each ee file read into 3-dimensional array
	$ee[0][0] = molly
	$ee[0][7] = 8751

use w4 form to fill in status information
single married headofhouse
number of children
number of dependents
	married with 2 children under 17
	$ee{$emp_name}[9] = m_2_0
# STEP 2 #################
verify type of payroll (weekly or biweekly) 
refer to "tables/HOWTO_Tax_Tables" to create tables at start of every year

load tax tables into a 3-dimensional array
	$table[0][2] = single with 2 exemptions
# STEP 3 #################
read INPUT.xls 
only the second sheet "TTL" will be read

populate a 2-dimensional array
	$pr[2][4] = bill's PTO
	$pr[2][5] = bill's OT
# STEP 4 #################
calculate gross income
use @ee & @pr
# STEP 5 #################
reduce gross income by deductions
update @pr
# STEP 6 #################
reduce gross income by tax
update @pr
# STEP 7 #################
for each ee 
	open "last/" csv file
	create a new array of old data 
	concatenate @pr data  

read "last/ytd.csv" into @oldytd 
use @oldytd & @pr to calc @newytd
# STEP 8 #################
create new ee payroll dir 
copy new csv into ee "$ee.csv" file
# STEP 9 #################
read INPUT.xls sheet "INPUT"
each ee will have a 24x15 array called @time[$ee][]
# STEP 10 ################
create pdf stub from @pr & @time 
encrypt pdf stub
email to ee

IRS p15t
extract the page (2020 page 52)
ocr pdf
cp the data to text

there are 6 sections
each section will have own txt file named 0-5

Married 2, 3
Single 0, 1
Head 4, 5

remove all comma
add a comma between entries

you will see a blank entry in each it means boundless
add $100000 as a filler for this entry

seperate each section into a different file