
Primary LanguagePython


A searchable song packet directory!

Dev Environment Setup

Create Virtual Environment

Make sure you're using Python 3!

git clone the repo and cd into it.

cd ~/your/projects/folder/
git clone git@github.com:skrul/jamsite.git
cd jamsite

Create the virtual environment for this project.

python -m venv ~/your/projects/folder/jamsite
source bin/activate

Google API credentials

You need the Google API to read the spreadsheet to populate the data for the site.

You'll need a new Google API project with Sheets and Drive enabled. A quick way to do that is to click on the Enable the Google Sheets API button on the Google Sheets Python Quickstart Guide which will create a new project with a default name of Quickstart with Sheets enabled.

From your new project, search the API library for Google Drive API and enable that as well.

Now go to the Credentials tab for your project and click + Create Credentials and select OAuth client ID. For application type, select Web Application then add http://localhost:8080/ as an authorized redirect URI. Once you've created the OAuth client, download the credentials.json file and put it in your jamsite directory.

Running the site locally

Before you sync, comment out this code in jamsite.py which you don't need.

if args.sync:
    drive_service = google_api.auth('drive', 'v3')
    drive_songs = get_songs_from_drive(drive_service)

    #sheets_service = google_api.auth('sheets', 'v4')
    #existing_songs_by_row = read_songs_spreadsheet(sheets_service)
    #sync_to_spreadsheet(sheets_service, drive_songs, existing_songs_by_row)

Auth with Google

python jamsite.py --sync

(You may see an error that says This app isn't verified. Just click on the Advanced link towards the bottom of that page, which should expand with some additional text. Click on the Go to Quickstart (unsafe) link.)

Build the site

python jamsite.py --generate

(You may need to download punkt. Just follow the directions in the error message.)

Serve the site

python jamsite.py --serve

Check it all out! http://localhost:8000/jam/

Note that if you make changes, you'll need to run generate again and reload the page to see them!