This repo contains the project Code Search Engine based on Elastic Search running in Google Cloud.

Project Members are: Abhijay Patne , Kruti Sharma, Sandeep Singh

Note : TA or professor, when you plan to evaluate our search engine, please convey us in advance (at least an hour), so that we can start our VMs. We can't afford to keep the VMs running for long time (more than 2 days consecutively), so we will start the VM when you plan to evaluate and will shut down the VM when you are done.

Highlights and features of the application:

  1. Search by different type of indexes: languages or tags(obtained from Ohloh's xml response)
  2. Web service is hosted on Google Cloud (
  3. Many different parameters for search available in our web service under language

Below is a work flow of this project, followed by description of the project structure:

Project Flow:

  1. Elastic Search has already been set up in Google Cloud as a preprocessor for this project's working.

  2. We download projects from Github through the Ohloh API and save them locally. We also obtain some project metadata from the XML response coming through API calls to Ohloh.

  3. These downloaded projects are indexed into the Elastic Search. We have used two indexes, language and tags. These index types have different mapping identifier like project name, file name, project description, file content.

  4. Now we create a web service which creates a client to our elastic search server. When the user makes rest calls involving search queries to our web service, the web server runs that search accross elastic search, and outputs the response to the user throguh the browser.

Project Structure:

Scala main classes(/src/main/scala/):

  1. OhlohDownlStrMultiActor.scala:

This file contains the code for streaming projects from OHLOH REST API and download each of the projects on the local directory. Once the entire projects are downloaded on the local folder, then the files from each of the downloaded folders are processed for indexing on the Elastic Search Engine. The files are indexed under languages - this is the main index for our search engine. Now each of the file extensions are used as the type of the index and the mapping contains the project name, project download url, project description, file name and the content from the file. Only code related files i.e. files with extensions as java, cs, js etc are sent for indexing.

The following actors are used for processing the streams, downloading the projects, extracting the bag of words from each of the code files and finally call the create index to process the index for each of the files.

StreamDownlESProject - this is the main object which calls the other actor to start the processing.

StreamDownlProjects (main acotor) - this actor is responsible for following operations as defined by cases in its receive:

a) StartStream(ohlohURL) => this is the entry point for our program and passing message to StreamDownlProjects actor with this case class starts the streaming of the projects from OHLOH REST API. The URL used for streaming projects from OHLOH API are filtered to return projects contanining github in their name or description or home page url which gives us the flexibility to download the repositories of github. This rest call returns an XML containing 10 projects information.

b) StartParsing(allFiles,projectName,projectDesc,projectURL) => this case class is used for parsing the files content into bag of words. The content from the file are read and all special characters except underscore are replaced, so now the content is bag of words and this content is associated with each indexed file which is stored in "content" mapping type field in the index created for the file type.

ESClient (2nd Actor) => this actor is responsible for making the Scala client for elastic search engine at : "" and port : "9300". Once the client is instantiated, this client can be used for creating and quering indexes on the elastic search engine. The actor has the following case classes:

a) StartDownloading(projectId,projectURL,projectName,projectDesc) => this case class is responsible for downloading the github repository from the url as obtained by streaming each project present under homepage_url in the project directory with folder name as TestGitRepository_{project_id}

b) StartFileIndex(projectName,projectDesc,fileName,fileExt,content,mappingType,projectURL) => this case class is responsible for indexing each file i.e. create index for each of the code file with index name = "languages", type = "java" (this is basically the extension of the file which denotes which code file that is being indexed), mapping = contains the project name, project url, project description, and content - which is the bag of words as extracted from the file (which has no special characters except _)

c) createTagIndex(projectId, projectName, projectURL, projectDesc, projectTags) => this case class is responsible for creating indexes for tags as obtained by processing the projects xml which may contain tags associated to each project. This helps in creating another search index for our search engine.

Overall message passing within actors for Streaming, Downloading, Parsing and Indexing the files on Elastic Search Engine =>

 StreamDownlProjects(Main Actor) ! StartStream {pass the download 
 url of project to this actor} =================================> 
 ESClient (2nd Actor)!StartDownloading {start downloading each 
 projects repository on local machine} =========================> 

 StreamDownlProjects(Main Actor)!StartParsing {Start extracting bag of
 words from all code files of each project} ====================> 

 ESClient(2nd Actor) ! StartFileIndex {Start creating index for each of
 the code files of each project}

2. SearchEngine.scala

       SearchEngine Class =====> discardStopwords Actor (filters search keywords, if entered) =====>  SearchEngine Class
      (starts web service,                                                                                  ||               
      waits for rest call)                                                                                  ||
                          SearchEngine Class<=========== ParseResponse Actor <========= Actor Fetch   <=====   
                        (outputs response              ( Process the json,           (query elastic search,
                        to rest call)                   format the output)             get json response)

We first create an actor system and create 3 actors: discardStopwords,Fetch and ParseResponse . These actors have mutiple cases amongst to handle different cases. Next, we create a web service binded to localhost(also running on google cloud host) on port 8080, with some handlers pre-defined. These handlers specify the different kinds of inputs that the web service can process. Depending on the rest call, the different parameters are retrieved and their values stored. These values are passed on to the actor Fetch for fetching response from Elastic Search.


discardStopwords : In case a search keyword is also entered in the rest call, first discardStopwords, which removes common words in programming languages which can be discarded. Then filtered keywords are passes back to main class which passes all parameters to the actor Fetch, as mentioned previously.

Fetch : This actor uses the parameters specified by user, to make a rest call using Elastic Search's Search API. The response from Elastic Search is a json(the response results are sorted by a match score computed by ElasticSearch), which contains some meta data about the search, along with matching indexes for the search. This json response is passes onto the ParseResponse actor.

ParseResponse : This actor parses the json response, and gets the value for fields like: total time taken, total number of hits, proejct names, file names etc. These values are properly formatted into a string and sent back to the main class, which displays the information in the browser to the user.

Scala test classes (/src/test/scala/):

StreamingDownlnitTest.scala (Unit Testing for OhlohDownlStrMultiActor.scala)

These tests perform the following unit and integration testing:

  1. test("Test Streaming and Downloading") => this test case tests whether the user can stream a single project url from OHLOH and do indexing of the project and files. The assert shows the project index created on the elastic search engine for the streamed project.

  2. test("Test Downloading projects") => this unit test case tests whether the files as received from github from the streamed project are actually downloaded on the local or not. The assert checks the project directory is downloaded on the local folder or not.

SearchEngineTest.scala: This test case is an integration test for the SearchEngine class. The test cases first creates the web service using SearchEngine.scala and runs the entire program in SearchEngine.scala. The test cases waits for 10 secs, so that the web service is created and started.

There are two test cases in this testcase file and both make rest calls to the web service and check its response. If the responses match, these test cases pass.

Note: While running the scala test programs for the first time, IntelliJ might show the error, "Module not defined". You can go to Run->Edit Configurations->Use classpath and SDK of module and specify the module there. And then rerun the test program.

Note: Sometimes IntelliJ automatically changes the test library for running the test cases. That might cause syntactical errors in our test programs. You can respecify the test library by removing the scala test library specified in build.sbt, and then putting it back again. The following scalatest library has been used:

libraryDependencies += "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "2.2.4" % Test

How to run the project:

OPTION 1(Run everything locally):

  1. Clone the repo and import the project into IntelliJ using SBT.

  2. Both classes can be run individually, OhlohDownlStrMultiActor.scala and SearchEngine.scala, as they are independent. Right click on OhlohDownlStrMultiActor.scala and Run -> StreamDownlESProject - this is the pre-processing step where we download the projects and create indexes on the elastic search engine deployed on google cloud. Now run SearchEngine.scala -> Right click and run SearchEngine to run the code search engine locally and then use the search engine url in your browser (http://localhost:8080/).

Note: While running the scala programs for the first time, IntelliJ might show the error, "Module not defined". You can go to Run->Edit Configurations->Use classpath of module and specify the module there. And then rerun the program.

OPTION 2(Run web service on the cloud):

  1. Copy SearchEngine.scala and build.sbt to a folder in your google cloud VM.

        Run using SBT(From within the folder): sbt compile
        sbt run

After the web service is created, the URL to access it is (or http://localhost:8080 if web service is run locally OR use your google cloud external IP)

(This is specified in SearchEngine.scala )

Instructions to use the web service created(These instructions can also be found when you browse to using a browser: Note: If simply clicking the URL doesn't work, copy it and paste in your browser.

Note: If count is not specified, by default 5 search results are obtained 
Note: If running the web service locally, replace the IP( in above and below example URLs by "localhost"

   **Language based search**

 1. Searching all projects for a specified langugage(for example, java)
    Extension: ?language=java 

 So you enter the URL:

 Some of the langugages used in the indexed projects are: Java, Go, PHP, JS, CSS, HTML, XML

 2. Searching all projects for all languages:
  Extension: language=all

 3. If you want to specify count(eg. 5) along with above parameters, just add the parameter(add below extension preceded by '&'):
    Extension: count=5

  So you enter the URL:

 4. Other parameters possible are(only language is necessary, all others optional, all parameters take only single values and can be written in any order):
     Extension: projectname=eclipse
     Extension: keyword=search_term

  **Tag based search**
  You can also search all projects by specifying a tag. Tags are added to all projects. This search will return the project containing the specified tag in their tag list

  Use below query to give a tag to search in all project tags:

  This tag parameter cannot be combined with any other language based search parameters.

  Some example queries:


  1. Our search parameters can contain only single terms. Mutiple search values in the same parameter are not handled.

  2. The projects streamed for processing and creating index on elastic search are only Github projects, so the rest call made to Ohloh has the projects filtered for github and hence only works for projects which have a valid download url in their xml response.

  3. Streaming OHLOH Projects with range APIs - since we wanted to stream Github related projects, thus the query used for streaming the project did not consider the range as specified in our grade book column. Some project ids streamed may be out of our range.

Load Tests:

The load test was performed using SOAPUI - LOADUI NG. The test case contained 4 queries : -- checking if the search engine is available -- search based on language and project name -- search simply based on language -- search simply based on tags

The number of VUs selected were : 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10. The average response time and the associated charts are present in the folder SOAPUI Load Test Results. The folder has analysis report for each of the VUs, chart for VUs = 10 and the consolidated chart for average response time vs number of VUs.

Google Cloud details:

  1. We have deployed Elasticsearch solution provide by Bitnami ( URL for Elasticsearch: URL for Code Search Engine Web Service:

  2. Opened ports 9200 for Elasticsearch public access and 8080 for our Web Service

References: present in "references.txt"