
This repo is the core foundation of a distributed system that will eventually replace the US government. The point is to illustrate how we can invoke a system to properly maintain Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Primary LanguageF#

The US Government Distributed System - A Digital Replacement

This repo is the core foundation of a distributed system that will eventually replace the US government. The point is to illustrate how we can invoke a system to properly maintain Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

I believe that our system can digitally replace MOST of the decision making, two-party system, electoral process, as well as all three branches of the US government, by scientifically analyzing the United States' history of social prosperity, and by receiving a constant feed from social and economic outlets dispersed throughout the country. We will also try to use diplomacy as a means to handling aggressive foreign policy, and a means of defense/attack in case we are threatened. It will have unlimited access to all pieces of data from businesses, services, and public social profiles: catered to protect and serve you. And because the government system won't have people that will have access to your information, it will be compliant to privacy rules so that you will be protected as well as your data.

In this project, we will also define the term Pursuit of Happiness as Life and Liberty are a directly influenced by it. For now, we will say that the origin of unhappiness is correlated by negative relationships between people, our depression, and our awareness of our own mortality. To pursue happiness, however, is to understand the meaning of acceptance, love, and understanding

  • Pertaining to Liberty: To be unoppressed by your ideas, political views, and beliefs. By having a neutral system, it's impossible to invoke direct actions on what you believe and impose certain restrictions; unless it directly imposes other people's pursuit of happiness
  • Pertaining to Life: The neutral system will protect your freedom to live by enforcing laws that ensures your life will exist for as long as the world allows it regardless of who you are

We should be separating the ideas of a state and federal. In a distributed system, those terms are meaningless, what we're doing implicitly is also replacing the need for a governor, mayor, etc. There shouldn't be any sort of central figure that people should look up to as a leader; this system is made to replace leaders. Every location with a population will have access to the president as well as all agents of the government; with a shared database that will be synced across the country. This data will be used to help measure economics, prosperity, and manage resources and assets for services of the locale.

This will not be the representation of the fictional skynet, made with flaws in the system that were specifically catered to military operations. The core foundation is to provide an outlet to accomplish Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness. To destroy ourselves is a direct violation of this system and cannot happen within the core constraints. The core is an implementation that will remain unchanged, not a feature.

To begin this process, we look to replace key roles in the government, in which the outlook of the country is heavily influenced by. We start with this because I don't believe a leadership role should be compared to that of mythical phoenix, where the role ends and arises anew; because this imposes tons of risks to the country's balance. Some of those risks includes the lack of: experience, knowledge, understanding, beliefs, morals, facts, and the ability to know what is fair. What we need rather is an immortal entity that governs, nurtures, and understands the country better than we do.

If you do a search in google (taken from a quora question), you'll find these positions to be the most powerful in government:

  • President
  • Vice-President
  • Speaker of the house
  • Majority whip
  • Minority Whip
  • President pro tempore of senate
  • Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
  • Justices of the supreme county
  • Secretary of State
  • Attorney general
  • 4 star Generals
  • FBI director
  • First Lady**

We will focus on mapping their roles, and aligning their decisions with the goals of our government.

In essence, we will map what our country is currently doing, and then hopefully learn from there. Or, think of this as another way, if our founding fathers were a bunch of software developers, this is the system they most likely would have envisioned; the reason why it's not like that today.. is because they actually weren't software developers.

Key focal points:

  • Remember, we will be replacing the US government, not the government services established in every state and city. Those will be used as human interfaces/hubs.
  • The police will have have more resources and assets made to enforce decisions based on the governing body
  • We will be using current official documentation to be used as the foundation of what the system will be based on
  • In the beginning, the program will provide a terminal where you will be able to navigate around the government
  • The system will also provide wellness resources to:
    • Help you achieve your happiness
    • Explain your rights relevant to your inquiry
    • Reasons of laws that you are obligated to follow

Unfortunately, feedback from citizens will be denied, as this is a closed system. Influence from citizens must be made in the force of a vote; fortunately these votes are for topics, not people, because there is no one to vote for.

The pattern to implement this system will be similar to how Akka.io is implemented, which basically makes use of the Actor Model.

I will be using Microsoft .NET to be developing this kind of code; unfortunately it's something I have the most experience to start of this project, but if you want to use a different stack, feel free to fork and port out the logic and ideas I'm adding.

Also one other thing, I have like 3 side projects I'm working on, this is just another side project for fun, that if taken seriously, will hopefully be accepted and replace our US government with a network of bots that will provide neutral responses to strong human emotions.