
An authentication service using Golang and the Gin web framework.

Primary LanguageGo

Title: an authentication service using Golang and the Gin web framework.

User Registration:

  • Implemention user registration, allowing users to sign up with their email address and password.

    solution :

    POST /register

    • request

    • {
          "firstname": "sk",
          "lastname": "ssar",
          "email": "ssar@gmail.com",
          "password": "111187"
    • response

    • {
          "message": "successfully signed up"

User Authentication:

  • Develop user login functionality using email and password

    solution :

    POST /login

    • request

    • {
          "email": "skshahra@gmail.com",
          "password": "111187"
    • response

    • {
          "id": "654d046d5b494b47d7705481",
          "message": "Login Successfull"
  • Implement token-based authentication using JWT for secure user authentication. Provide a unique token upon successful authentication.

  • Ensure handling of JWT refresh tokens.

    Solution :

    • Auth and Refresh , JWT token is used for authentication and authorization
    • Auth token used for user authentication and Refresh token is used for keep the cookie up to date

User Roles and Permissions:

  • Implement role-based access control (RBAC) to assign predefined roles (e.g., user, admin) to users. Note that CRUD operations are not required for this task.


    GET /:id

    user can access their profile info using their ID ,

    ONLY ADMIN can retrive any users data using ID

    • request

    • GET localhost:8080/654d046d5b494b47d7705481
    • response

    • {
          "_id": "654d046d5b494b47d7705481",
          "firstname": "sk",
          "lastname": "raka",
          "email": "skshahra@gmail.com",
          "password": "",
          "telephone": "",
          "address": "",
          "accounttype": "admin"

Another Demo Service:

  • Create a demo service for authenticated users that allows them to retrieve lists of data arrays.

    solution :

    GET /alluser

    ONLY ADMIN can access this route

    • request

    • GET  localhost:8080/alluser
    • Response

    • [
              "_id": "654d929b76141a0ab1c236e1",
              "firstname": "sk",
              "lastname": "raka",
              "email": "skshahra@gmail.com",
              "password": "$2a$10$uGTE6IRREQHT2frMeJEb8eTF9JsdZMMysnzRotlIcZcbHU4dGfYrW",
              "telephone": "",
              "address": "",
              "accounttype": "admin"
              "_id": "654db17d46147f79d73f079b",
              "firstname": "sk",
              "lastname": "ssar",
              "email": "ssar@gmail.com",
              "password": "$2a$10$WZ2r91gqxEdfGL6A7cfq6.E34tBp129qOqFtetcW1w5HXbl1rtQjm",
              "telephone": "",
              "address": "",
              "accounttype": "normal"


  • For Loggin github.com/rs/zerolog is used
  • testing code for all route handler/handler_test.go
  • swagger documentation
  • Postman collection postman_collection.json
  • Dockerfile for build docker image
  • Github action for CI/CD .github/workflows/unit_test.yaml