- Hello World
- Values
- Variables
- Constants
- For
- If/Else
- Switch
- Arrays
- Slices
- Maps
- Range
- Functions
- Multiple Return Values
- Variadic Functions
- Closures
- Recursion
- Pointers
- Strings and Runes
- StructsMethods
- Interfaces
- Struct Embedding
- Generics
- Errors
- Goroutines
- Channels
- Channel Buffering
- Channel Synchronization
- Channel Directions
- Select
- Timeouts
- Non-Blocking Channel Operations
- Closing Channels
- Range over Channels
- Timers
- Tickers
- Worker Pools
- WaitGroups
- Rate Limiting
- Atomic Counters
- Mutexes
- Stateful Goroutines
- Sorting
- Sorting by Functions
- Panic
- Defer
- Recover
- String Functions
- String Formatting
- Text Templates
- Regular Expressions
- Time
- Epoch
- Time Formatting / Parsing
- Random Numbers
- Number Parsing
- URL Parsing
- SHA256 Hashes
- Base64 Encoding
- Reading Files
- Writing Files
- Line Filters
- File Paths
- Directories
- Temporary Files and Directories
- Embed Directive
- Testing and Benchmarking
- Command-Line Arguments
- Command-Line Flags
- Command-Line Subcommands
- Environment Variables
- HTTP Client
- HTTP Server
- Context
- Spawning Processes
- Exec'ing Processes
- Signals
- Exit
About Golang
Golang Advanced Tutorial Series
GO Installation
Set up GO Workspace and Hello World Program
Variables in Go – Complete Guide
Understanding var keyword in golang
Scope of a variable in golang
Naming conventions for variables and constant in golang
Understanding := symbol or short variable declaration in golang
Hello World in golang
Constant in Golang
Can constant be reassigned after its declaration in Go
Constant in inner/outer scope in Golang
Global and Local Constant in Golang
Typed and Untyped constant in Golang
Declaring a constant in Golang
String constant in Golang
Numeric/Integer/Float constant in Golang
Boolean constant in Golang
Character constant in Golang
Multiple constant declarations in Golang
Constant Map in Golang
Constant struct in Go (Golang)
Constant array or slice in Golang
Conditions and Loops
Understand if else in golang
for loop in golang
Switch Statement in Go
fallthrough keyword in go
for-range loop in Go
Goto statement in Golang
Packages and Modules in Go (Golang) – Part 1
Packages and Modules in Go (Golang) – Part 2
Modules in Golang
Direct vs Indirect Dependencies in go.mod file in Go
Manual download dependency from go.mod file in Golang
Selection of the version of library or dependency in Golang
Importing package from different module locally in Golang
Importing package within the same module in Golang
What does go mod tidy do in Golang
Add a dependency to your project or module in Golang
Executable and non-executable module in Golang
//indirect for a dependency in go.mod file in Golang
Understanding Module name or module import path in Golang
Vendor dependencies of a module in Golang
Understanding go.sum and go.mod file in Golang
Package vs Module in Golang
Remove a dependency from a module in Golang
Init function in Golang
Order of execution of a Go program
Nested Packages in Golang
Package Name and Directory/Folder Name in Golang- Does they need to be the same
Blank Identifier in import in Golang
Import same package name or Aliasing while importing packages in Golang
Understanding Array in golang
Understanding slice in golang
Multi-Dimensinal Array and Slice in golang
Copy an array or slice in golang
Different ways of iterating over array and slice.
Check if an item exists in a slice
Find and delete an item in a slice
Find and delete an item in an array
Print an array or slice elements in golang
Declare/Initialize/Create an array or slice in golang
Convert an array/slice into a JSON string in golang
Append or Add to a Slice or Array in Golang
Slice of Struct in Golang
Slice of Map in Golang
Slice or Array of Channels in Golang
Slice or Array of Bool in Golang
Create Slice or Array of Integers in Golang
Create Slice or Array of Floats in Golang
Create Slice or Array of Strings in Golang
Sort a part of the slice in Golang
Append one slice to another slice in Golang
Sort a slice of Int in Ascending and Descending order in Go (Golang)
Convert an array of int or numbers to string in Go (Golang)
Different ways of iterating over map
Length of a map in golang
Maps in Golang – Complete Guide
Check if a key exists in a map in golang
Update a key in map in golang
Allowed key and value types for a map in golang
Create/Initialize/Declare map in golang
Conversion between map and JSON in Golang
Convert a map to JSON in Golang
Convert a JSON to map in Golang
How to check if a map contains a key in Golang
Delete or Remove a key from a map in Go (Golang)
Struct in golang – Complete Guide
Creating and Intializaing struct variables in golang
Pointer to a struct
Pretty Print Struct Variables in golang
Exported and non-exported fields of a struct
Anonymous Fields in a Struct in golang
Struct Equality in golang
Accessing and Setting Struct fields in golang
Nested Struct in golang
Struct Field Meta or Tags in golang
Conversion between struct and JSON in Golang
How to intialize a struct that has another nested struct in Golang
How to initialize a struct having an array or slice field in Golang
How to access the struct from another package in Golang
Method in golang – Complete Guide
Pointer Receiver for a method in Golang
Method on a non-struct type in golang
Method chaining in golang
Interface in go
Pass an Interface as an argument to a function
Interface to struct
Embedding interface in go
Interface Comparison in golang
Benefits of Interface in golang
Pointer vs Value Receiver for interface in Go
Declaring and Implementing an interface in golang
Interface are implemented implicity in golang
Type implementing multiple interfaces in go
Print underlying type and value of an interface in golang
Inner working or internal of an interface in Golang
Non-Struct type implementing multiple interfaces in Golang
Zero value of an Interface in golang
Accessing underlying variable of an interface in Golang
Builtin Package
Copy function in golang
Append function in golang
Using context in go – Complete Guide
GO Installation/Set-Up
Installing GO on MAC
Installing GO on Linux
Installing GO on Windows
Channel in Go
Inner working of Channels
Channel as a function argument in Go
Send and receive on a nil channel in Go
Close operation on a channel in Go
Channel Direction in Go
Length and capacity of a channel in Go
All operations/function on a channel in Go
Read/receive all values from a channel in Go
For-range loop for a channel in Go
Goroutines in Go
Number of currently running/active goroutines
Wait for all goroutines to finish execution
Receive or Fetch Return Value from a goroutine in golang
Receive or fetch multiple return values from a goroutine in golang
Pause Execution of a goroutine until an activity or event is completed in Golang
Select Statement in Go
Select statement with a for loop outside in Go
Select with default case in Go
Select with send operation in Golang
Select statement with a nil channel in Golang
Select versus switch in Golang
Fallthrough keyword in select statement in Golang
Break statement in Select in Golang
Execute multiple case in Select statement in Golang
Empty select or select with no case in Golang
Select statement with timeout in Golang
Data Types
All data types in Go with examples
All basic data types in Golang
Know Size and Range of int and uint
Default Value of all types with examples
Character in Golang
uintptr in Golang
Rune in Golang
Pointer in Golang
Pointer to a Pointer in Golang
* or dereferencing pointer in Golang
Pointer Arithmetic in Golang
Default zero value of pointer in Golang
IOTA in Golang
Convert an IOTA or Enum to a string in Go (Golang)
Enum in Golang
Check if string is a number
Remove all white spaces from a string
Write a multiline string in Go
String compare in GO
Check if a string contains another string in GO
Split a string by delimiter in Go
Get all the words from a sentence
Join a string by delimiter or a separator in Go
Check if string begins with a prefix in Go
Check if string ends with a suffix in Go
Convert string to lowercase in Go
Convert string to uppercase in Go
Capitalize a string in Go
Trim prefix of a string in Go
Trim suffix of a string in Go
Trim leading and trailing whitespaces from a string
Count instances of substring in a string in Go
Find index of first instance of a substring in Go
Replace all instances of a substring with another in Go
Replace some instances of a substring with another in Go
Replace a character with another in a string in Go
Find the index of the last instance of a substring in Go
Index character in a string in Go
Generate all permutation of a string in Go
Swap characters of a string in Go
Swap two strings in Go
Reverse a string in Go
Find and detete a character in Go
Find and delete a substring in Go
Delete in a string by index in Go
Create count/repeating copies of a string in GO
Case insensitive comparison of two strings in Go
Number of Characters in a string in Go
Get ASCII code of any Alphabet or Number in Go
Iterate over a string in golang
Length of a string in golang
ASCII digit to the character in Golang
Write to write or print backslash in a string in Golang
Print string with double quotes in Golang
Sort a string in Golang
Create or initialize a new string in Go (Golang)
Check if a string contains single or multiple whitespaces in Go (Golang)
Ceil of a number in Go
Floor of a number in Go
Get Integer value of a float in Go
Round a number in Go
Round Even a number in Go
Remove Decimarl parts of a float in Go
Get Absolute value of a number
Pi value in Go
Square root of a number in Go
Cube Root of a number in Go
Log of a number in Go
Remainder or Modulus in Go
Break a number into integer and fraction parts in Go
Power function in Go
Check if a number is positive or negative in Go
Min of two numbers in Go
Max of two numbers in Go
Generate random number in Go
Generate random password
Pick a random element in an array/slice in Go
Pick a random character in string in Go
Shuffle a string in Go
Shuffle a slice or array in Go
Generate a random array/slice of n integers in Go
Generate a number in a given range
Generate a random string in Go
Parse string representation of a float
Parse string representation of a bool
Format specifier for boolean in golang
Understanding WaitGroup in Go
Implement while loop in Go
Immediately Invoked Function in Go
Function Closures in Go
Pass Function as an argument to another function
Return a function from another function
Pass Variable Number of Arguments to a function
Difference between function and method
Anonymous Function in Go
Higher Order Function in Go
User Defined Function Type
Return Multiple Values from a function
Function in Golang – Complete Guide
How to call a function from another package in Golang
Defer keyword in Golang
Defer a goroutine in Golang
Use Case of defer function in Golang
Inline Function in Defer in Golang
Evaluation of defer arguments in Golang
Custom Function in defer in Golang
How does defer works in Golang
Defer function and Named Return Values in Golang
Multiple defer functions in Golang
Defer and Methods in Golang
Can defer be used inside main function in Golang
Panic & Recover
Panic and Recover in Golang
Recover a panic in a different function in Go
Panic with Defer in Golang
Runtime Error Panic in Golang
Panic format string in Golang
Recover panic from goroutine in Golang
Return value of the function when panic is recovered in Golang
Recover function return value in Golang
Panic stack trace in Golang
How to create panic in Golang
Example of Recover Function in Golang
What happens during panic in Golang
Create panic by calling panic function in Golang
Base64 encoding/Decoding in Golang
Generic Articles
NewRelic in Go with deep instrumentation
Redis Client Example
Redis Cluster Client Example
Maps: Not safe for concurrent use
Octal and Hex in Go
Double, Single and Back Quotes in Go
All types of Client timeouts in (HTTP/TCP/UDP/ Unix Sockets Communication ) etc
Generate a UUID/GUID in Go (Golang)
Server Error – 500 vs 502 vs 503 vs 504
Print/Output text in color in console
Print/Output text in bold in Golang
Print/Output text in italic in Golang
Print/Output text with a background in Golang
Print/Output crossed-out text in Golang
Print/Output text in underline in Golang
Format a message without printing in Golang
All about Base64 encoding/decoding – Complete Guide
HTTP- Understanding multipart/form-data content-type
Object-Oriented Programming in GO
OOP: Inheritance in GOLANG complete guide
Using Struct
Using Interface
Using Interface + Struct
OOP: Polymorphism in Go Complete Guide
Compile Time Polymorphism in Go (Golang)
Runtime Polymorphism in Go (Golang)
Method Overloading in Go (Alternatives/Workarounds)
Abstract Classes
Abstract Class in Go: Complete Guide
Encapsulation in Go
Protocol Buffers
Protocol Buffer And Go: Getting Started
fmt package
Println vs Print vs Printf in Golang
Understanding Errorf function in Golang
Understanding Fprintf function in Golang
Understanding Fprint function in Golang
Understanding Fprintln function in Golang
Understanding Println function in Golang
Understanding Printf function in Golang
Understanding Print function in Golang
Difference between GRPC and Rest
Design Patterns
All Design Pattern in GO – Curated List
Abstract Factory Pattern
Builder Pattern
Factory Pattern
Object Pool Pattern
Prototype Pattern
Singleton Pattern
Chain of Responsibility Design Pattern
Command Design Pattern
Iterator Design Pattern
Mediator Design Pattern
Memento Design Pattern
Null Object Design Pattern
Observer Design Pattern
State Design Pattern
Strategy Design Pattern
Template Method Design Pattern
Visitor Design Pattern
Adapter Design Pattern
Bridge Design Pattern
Composite Design Pattern
Decorator design pattern
Facade Design Pattern
Flyweight Design Pattern
Proxy Design Pattern
Read a large file Word by Word in Go
Read a large file Line by Line in Go
Read a file into a variable in Golang
Write to a file in Go
Append to a file
Delete a file in Go
Delete a folder in Go
Change the updated/modified time of a file in Go
Rename a file or folder
Check if a file is a directory in Go
Create an empty file in Go
Check if a file or directory exists in Go
Iterate over a directory tree
Get Current Working Directory in Go
Touch a file in Go
Move file from one location to another
Get File Name, Size, Permission Bits, Mode, Modified Time in Go
Copy a file in Go
Create a directory
Change Current Working Directory in Go
Validate the presence of the field in a struct in Golang
Validate the range of the integer in a struct in Golang
All about time and date in Go
Represent date of birth in golang.
Get age given a dob
Current Timestamp in Go
Date/Time fomatting in Go
Time Conversion in Go
Parse Time in Go
Time Difference between two dates
Get current time and date of different timezones
Convert time between different timezones
Understanding Duration in Go
Add/Subtract to time
Convert Unix Timestamp to time.Time
Date in Golang
Create new time instance
Type Conversion
Convert float to int in Golang
Convert int to float in Golang
Conversion between float32 and float64 in Golang
Download a file or image from a URL
Execute shell file from Go
List All env variables in Go
Set or Get or Unset env variables in Go
Check if an env variable is set or not
Detect OS at runtime in Go
Get Hostname in Go
Return Exit Status Code in Go
Execute an OS/System Command in Go
Get Current Username in Go
Get Current User’s Home Directory in Go
Load a .env or environment file in Golang
net/http package get Query Params in Go
net/http Package – Detecting Timeout
Basic HTTP server in go
Get headers from an incoming HTTP request in Golang
Set response headers for an incoming HTTP request in Golang
Get response headers for an outgoing HTTP request in Go (Golang)
Set headers for an outgoing HTTP request in Golang
Check if a particular header is present in an HTTP request in Golang
Canonical HTTP Header Key Meaning
Get JSON request body from a HTTP request in Golang
Get client’s user agent from an incoming HTTP request in Golang
HTTP Client/Server with Basic Auth in Golang
Parse application/x-www-form-urlencoded http request body in Golang
HTTP client or Send x-www-form-urlencoded request body in Golang
HTTP send/receive jpeg file request body example in Golang
HTTP send/receive pdf file in request body example in Golang
HTTP send/receive png file in request body example in Golang
HTTP client/server multipart form-data request body example in Golang
HTTP send/receive application octet-stream request body in Golang
Why the response body is closed in golang
Set a timeout while making an HTTP request in Golang
Validate the range of the integer in an HTTP request body struct in Golang
HTTP Client to not follow redirect in Golang
Understanding Set-Cookie Response Header
Cookie Jar in Golang
Cookies in Golang
Read cookie http in Golang
Set cookie http in Golang
Return 400 (Bad Request) in http response in Golang
Return 404 (Resource Not Found) in http response in Golang
Return 401 (UnAuthorized) in HTTP response in Golang
Return 403 (Forbidden) in HTTP response in Golang
Return 200 (StatusOK) in HTTP response in Golang
Return 201 (StatusCreated) in HTTP response in Golang
Return 500 or Internal Server Error in HTTP response in Golang
How to set HTTP status code in response in Golang
Return JSON body in HTTP response in Golang
Return 202 (StatusAccepted) in HTTP response in Golang
Return plain text body in HTTP response in Golang
Return an image or file in HTTP response in Golang
Parse a URL and extract all the parts in Golang
Extract a URL from a string in Golang
Convert Query Param String to Query Param Hash in Golang
Get full hostname along with port from a URL in Golang
Get or Extract Query Params from a URL in Golang
Error in Golang
Error in Golang- Advanced
Different ways of creating an error in Golang
Comparing error or error equality in Go
Get underlying type from error or error assertion in Go
Wrapping and Un-wrapping of error in Go
Ignoring errors in Go
Data Structures
All Data Structures in Golang
Queue in Golang
Stack in Golang
Set in Golang
Singly Linked List in Golang
Doubly Linked List in Golang
Binary Search Tree
Heap in Golang
Reverse a number or an integer in Go (Golang)
Implement your own Atoi function in Go (Golang)
Check if a number is a palindrome or not in Go (Golang)
Find the next permutation of a number in Go (Golang)
Program to add all digits of a number in Go (Golang)
Divide two integers without using multiplication or division operator in Go (Golang)
Program to calculate the power of a number in Go (Golang)
Plus one program or Add one to an integer array in Go (Golang)
The nth digit in a sequence program in Go (Golang)
Program for ugly number in Go (Golang)
Program for ugly number 2 in Go (Golang)
Longest substring without repeating characters program in Golang
Longest Palindromic Substring within a string in Go (Golang)
Generate valid parentheses in Go (Golang)
Check valid parenthesis in Go (Golang)
Longest valid parentheses substring within a string in Go (Golang)
Wildcard matching or regex matching program in Go (Golang)
Add two binary numbers program in Go (Golang)
Check if two given strings are anagrams in Go (Golang)
Sub string program in Go (Golang)
Letter Combinations of a Phone Number Program in Go (Golang)
Program for length of the last word in a string in Go (Golang)
Program to multiply two strings in Go (Golang)
Program for the total number of words in a sentence in Go (Golang)
Maximum words in a group of sentences in Go (Golang)
Kth Distinct String in an Array Program in Go (Golang)
Longest Common Prefix in a set of strings in Go (Golang)
Reverse vowels of a string in Go (Golang)
Program for Longest Word in Dictionary through Deleting in Go (Golang)
Print the next or previous character given a char in Go (Golang)
Repeat a string multiple times in Go (Golang)
Find two numbers in an array that adds up to a target number in Go (Golang)
Medium of two sorted arrays in Go (Golang)
Find all triplets in an array that adds to a zero in Go (Golang)
Find all triplets in an array that adds to a target number in Go (Golang)
Find the sum which is closest to a target number using three numbers in an array or 3Sum closest problem in Go (Golang)
Find first missing positive integer in an int array in Go (Golang)
Find the pivot index in a sorted and pivoted array in Go (Golang)
Search in a sorted and pivoted array in Go (Golang)
Find the first and last position of a target element in a sorted array in Go (Golang)
Trapping rainwater problem in Go (Golang)
Group anagrams together program in Go (Golang)
Merge overlapping intervals in Go (Golang)
Non-Overlapping intervals program in Go (Golang)
Sort an array of 0, 1, and 2 in Go (Golang)
Jump Game Program in Go (Golang)
Remove duplicates from a sorted array in Go (Golang)
Maximum sum subarray program in Go (Golang)
Largest Rectangular Area in a Histogram in Go (Golang)
Combination Sum Program in Go (Golang)
Reverse Words in a sentence in Go (Golang)
Program for Power set of a given array of integers in Go (Golang)
Merge two sorted arrays in Go (Golang)
Remove all occurrences of a given value in an array in place in Go (Golang)
Unique Paths Program in Go (Golang)
Best time to Buy-Sell Stocks Program in Go (Golang)
Search Insert Position Program in Go (Golang)
Find All Duplicates in an Array in Go (Golang)
Find all Arithmetic series of length greater than two in Go (Golang)
Distinct or Unique Permutations of a string or array in Go (Golang)
Two furthest houses with different colors in Go (Golang)
Maximum Difference between increasing elements in an array in Go (Golang)
Maximum Length of Contiguous Subarray with an equal number of 0’s and 1’s in Go (Golang)
Program for Binary Search in a sorted array in Go (Golang)
Majority element in an array in Go (Golang)
Find the number which appears once in an array in Go(Golang)
Longest Consecutive Sequence Program in Go (Golang)
Check If N and Its Double Exist in Go (Golang)
Program for Income Tax Paid in Go (Golang)
Sort characters by frequency in Go (Golang)
Spiral Matrix Problem in Go (Golang)
Rotate a symmetric matrix or an image in place in a clockwise direction in Go (Golang)
Set matrix zero if a row or column is zero in Go (Golang)
Rotting Oranges Program in Go (Golang)
Determine Whether Matrix Can Be Obtained By Rotation in Go (Golang)
Count unguarded cells program in Go (Golang)
LRU Cache Implementation in Go (Golang)
Linked List
Convert singly linked list into an array using Golang
Convert singly linked list into a circular linked list using Golang
Check if a linked list is circular in Golang
Delete a kth node from the front in a Singly Linked List in Golang
Delete a kth node from back in a Singly Linked List in Go (Golang)
Reverse Doubly Linked List in Go
Add two numbers represented by linked list in Golang
Reverse a linked list in Go (Golang)
Reverse nodes in k-group for a given linked list in Go (Golang)
Pair swap nodes in a linked list in Go (Golang)
Convert a sorted linked list to balanced BST in Go (Golang)
Check if a given linked list has a cycle in Go (Golang)
Rotate a linked list in Go (Golang)
Detect cycle start node in a linked list in Go (Golang)
Delete middle node of a linked list in Go (Golang)
Partition a linked list in Go (Golang)
Remove Linked List Elements Program in Go (Golang)
Dynamic Programming
Edit Distance between two strings in Go (Golang)
Interleaving String Program in Go (Golang)
Longest Increasing Subsequence Program in Go (Golang)
Range Sum Array Program in Go (Golang)
Range Sum 2d array program in Go (Golang)
Count Possible Decodings of a digit sequence into letters in Go (Golang)
Minimum Path Sum Program in Go (Golang)
Program for House Robber Problem in Go (Golang)
Program for Pascal’s Triangle in Go (Golang)
Tic Tac Toe Complete Working Program in Go (Golang)
Level Order Traversal of a binary tree in Go (Golang)
Height or maximum depth of a binary tree in Go (Golang)
Construct a binary tree from preorder and inorder in Go (Golang)
Construct a binary tree from postorder and inorder in Go (Golang)
Inorder traversal of a Binary Tree in Go (Golang)
Postorder traversal of a Binary Tree in Go (Golang)
Preorder traversal of a Binary Tree in Go (Golang)
Program for the same binary tree in Go (Golang)
Print all Binary Tree Paths in Go (Golang)
Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum Program in Go (Golang)
Binary Search Tree
Check if a given tree is a Binary Search Tree in Go (Golang)
Sorted Array to Height Balanced BST in Go (Golang)
Recover Binary Search Tree Program in Go (Golang)
Generic Programs
Infix to Postfix Conversion in Go (Golang)
Evaluation of Postfix Expression in Go (Golang)
Sorting Algorithms
Heap Sort
Insertion Sort
Selection Sort
Bubble Sort
Count unreachable pair of nodes in an undirected graph in Go (Golang)
Detonate the maximum bombs program in Go (Golang)
Is Graph Bipartite Program in Go (Golang)
Validate an IP address in Go
Check if an IP address is IPv4 or IPv6
Get IP address from an incoming HTTP request
Regex or Regular Expression
Golang Regex – Include dot – ‘.’ inside square brackets or character class
Concatenation or AND of regexes in Golang
Alternation (OR) of regexes in Golang
Golang regex: Match full string
Golang regex: Understanding caret and dollar character
Golang Regex: Match prefix or suffix of a string
Golang Regex: Case insensitive regular expression matching in Golang
Golang Regex: Matching raw or literal string
Golang Regex: Understanding dot ‘.’ character
Golang Regex: Replace all string which matches a Regular Expression
Golang Regex: Backreferences
Golang Regex: Optional Operator or question mark (?) in regular expression
Golang Regex: Match number or numeric digits in Regular Expression
Golang Regex: Match a floating-point number in Regular Expression
Golang Regex: Understanding Curly Braces in Regular Expressions
Golang regex match any character
Golang Regex: Use a variable inside a Regular Expression
Go Logger Rotate
Understanding /etc/paths and /etc/paths.d on MAC
Json parse a file in Golang