
A simple script to launch links instantly using rofi

Primary LanguageShell


A simple script that allows you to instantly open links using rofi.


  1. Install rofi.
  2. Clone this repository to your home directory.
  3. Download the .tsv file from here.
    • Go to the sheets link (only visible to IIITD accounts)
    • In sheets, go to File>Download>Tab-seperated values (.tsv)
    • move this .tsv file to the repo directory from step 2
  4. Rename the .tsv file to links.tsv.
  5. Add a keybinding of your choice to run the links.sh bash script. The keybinding should be mapped to:

bash ~/rofi-links/links.sh


All you need to do is edit the .tsv file.

Adding new entries

You need to add/append two things, one is the name of whatever the link corresponds to like IML Tutorial. Secondly, you need to add the corresponding link. The name may contain spaces, but the name and link must be tab-seperated like all the other entries. So, the format looks something like this:

<name of item>     <link to item>

Editing existing entries

To edit an existing entry, find the row corresponding to that entry in the .tsv file and replace/add the corresponding link. The link is extracted using regex, so no need to clean the data.

