
Enables an atTiny85 (DigiSpark ATTiny85 or Adafruit Trinket) to be an external watchdog for arduino projects

Primary LanguageC++

This sketch is for a DigiSpark ATTiny85 or AdaFruit Trinket

Acts as a hardware watchdog on any host that has a reset pin which functions by being pulled LOW to ground.

Monitors hbPin, requiring a state change within hbTime.

Onboard LED mimics the state of the hbPin signal from the host, giving a visual heartbeat of both hosts with one LED.

If a state change is not detected, resetPin is pulled LOW to force a reset on the host. ResetPin on the watchdog needs to be connected to the RST pin on the host and both devices need to be on a common ground.

Can be used in conjunction with - https://github.com/sktaylortrash/HeartBeat

Dependant Libraries


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