
fork of coral kinome tree

Primary LanguageR


The app is borrowed from the Phanistel lab at UNC Running app - http://phanstiel-lab.med.unc.edu/CORAL/ Code repo - https://github.com/dphansti/CORAL

setup difference libraries for different users/apps - https://shiny.rstudio.com/articles/libraries.html

create .Rprofile in /home/username/ direcotry with .libPaths("/path/to/libs")

    r <- getOption("repos")
    r["CRAN"] <- "https://cloud.r-project.org"
    options(repos = r)
  • currently now, another .Rprofile in the kinome-tree app directory that has .libPaths("/usr/lib/R/addn-lib") to point to the depdencies
  • this was originally setup in order to prevent conflicts in library installs for different R-Shiny apps

location of the app


location of logs


location of config file


different library paths

  • add route and set run as user
  • doesn't seem to work; so the .Rprofile in the main directory of the app works
location /PK_plots {
      run_as shinykinome;

At the moment shinykinome user is being used for both PK_plots and kinome-tree app. kinome-tree app has .Rprofile pointing to "/usr/lib/R/addn-lib" and PK_plots pointing to "/home/shinykinome/R/library"

install.packages("PACKAGE_NAME", lib = "/home/shinykinome/R/library") for any new packages

Docker container

To run in a docker container and use of renv package to manage all depedencies, ensure to ignore following packages:

renv::settings$ignored.packages(c("rJava", "renv", "DBI", "RJDBC"), persist = FALSE)

Run this in RStudio within the working directory. This way, renv will ignore installing these when restoring, then the Dockerfile will install these packages manually. At the time of developing this workflow, this was the only work-around since installing using renv failed for these packages. .Rprofile is not longer needed since each shiny app will be self-contained within its own environment.