
SCAD Animation Studios Pipeline

Primary LanguagePython


SCAD Animation Studios Pipeline Tools 2.0

  • NOTE: V2.0.0 is currently in progress. This is a ground up redesign of the tool to add more flexiblity


Instructions to install SAS Pipeline. NOTE: an easier install is coming!! This is still a WIP.

  1. Open a terminal and add ./scripts path to your PYTHONPATH variable and ./bin path to the PATH variable.
    • you can add these perminately by adding the following lines to your ./bashrc or ./zshrc files:
      export PYTHONPATH="path/to/package/sas_pipeline/scripts:$PYTHONPATH"
      export PATH="path/to/package/sas_pipeline/bin:$PATH"
  2. you can now run pipeline commands from terminal.


  1. with the ./scripts and ./bin in your system you can run SAS pipeline commands.


command line commands are designed for high level management of the project. This includes things like creating new entities, seting your workspace and removing entities.

NOTE: use the help flag in the command line for full docmentaion

setstudio: sets the current active studio

setshow: sets the current active show

mkstudio: creates a new studio

mkshow: creates a new show

mkelm: create a new element

mkshot: create a new shot

rmelm: removes an element

rmshot: removes a shot

rmshow: removes a show

nelm: navigate to the working directory of an element

nrelm: navigate to the release directory of an element

nshot: navigate to the working directory of a shot

nrshot: navigate to the release directory of a shot

lsshow: list all shows availble in the studio

lselm: list all elements availble in the current show

lsshot: list all shots availble in the current show


SAS pipeline is built of different entities, studios, shows, elements, and shots. Each entitiy contains a .manifest file with holds and manages data about that entity, and a hidden file to tag the directory as an entity.

Each entity and the tasks it performs are completely software agnostic, it can then be wrapped into more complex situations specific to each DCC.