Share a curated definition and educational path for Technical roles from the perspective of a practitioner working with a large number of teams doing (or trying-to do):
- Agile
- DevOps
- Cloud
- Containers (Docker, kubernetes)
- Operate Applications at Scale with High Availability
The education paths constructed from a mix of self-paced instruction and experiences:
- delivering software
- participating as a member or leader of a team
- Training & Certification
- Talks
- Essays & Technical Papers
- Books
Education Paths for the following roles are currently in a DRAFT
, though useful state.
- Application Platform Engineer
- Senior Application Platform Engineer
- Software Engineer
- Senior Software Engineer
This repo exists because I am frequently asked:
What do I need to know to be an X?
How can I become a Y?
I want to help people advance their careers in Tech with a better than random-luck strategy.
I would like to achieve a few things with this repo:
- share my perspective as a bookmarkable & forkable resource
- incorporate feedback from colleagues who are trying to do the same
This approach intends to provide a curated path to a role that is achievable by someone who is working towards a promotion from one level to another as well as transitioning from one type of role to another, e.g. individual contributor <-> manager.
This repo will not:
- provide an exhaustive list of the best papers on (nearly) every technical topic, e.g. Papers We Love
- a fresh set of Technical papers to read each day or week, e.g. The Morning Paper