
Primary LanguageGroovy

Create your cluster

Use your favorite cloud provider!

Install and Configure Tools






helm init

Create Kubernetes Resources

Create the Jenkins namespace

kubectl create ns jenkins

Create the CasC ConfigMap

kubectl create configmap casc -n jenkins --from-file casc

Create Secret for Storage

kubectl create secret generic <secretName> --from-file=<secretFile> -n jenkins

Installing Jenkins

helm install jenkins        \       
    stable/jenkins          \
    -n jenkins              \
    -f jenkins.yaml         \
    --set master.adminUser=<admin username>,master.adminPassword=<admin password>

Upgrading Jenkins

  1. Update the configuration files in casc
  2. Update the ConfigMap kubectl create configmap casc -n jenkins --from-file casc -o yaml --dry-run | kubectl replace -f -
  3. Apply the upgrade
helm upgrade jenkins        \
    stable/jenkins          \
    -n jenkins              \
    -f jenkins.yaml
  1. Reload the configuration Manage Jenkins > Configuration as Code > Reload Existing Configuration

Development Notes

Things to think about:

  • using the --atomic or --cleanup-on-fail flags during helm deployments
  • configmap only takes the root level directory - no subdirectories
  • we need to consider how to clean up after merges
    • delete namespace (includes service account and app), as well as cluster role binding for the service account
    • need to implement cleanup for backup data
  • blue green deployment? need to think it through
  • known error: helm marks deployment as successfull before waiting for pods to be ready
    • if CasC fails, Jenkins will stop (failed deploy) but Helm shows success
  • check for apply configmap