-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION: ------------- Installation instructions are contained within INSTALL SUPPORT: -------- There is a mailing list for discussion of ratbox issues, To subscribe, visit: http://lists.ratbox.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/ircd-ratbox You may also (if youre lucky) find us on #ratbox@EFNet Note you should *always* check the logfile first. BUG REPORTS: ------------ If you run this code and encounter problems, you must report the bug by EMAIL to ircd-ratbox@lists.ratbox.org Please include a gdb backtrace and keep the core file, binaries and modules in case the developers need them. MODULE RESTARTS: ---------------- Note a running module should never be modified directly whilst it is loaded into ircd as the behaviour of the OS can result in a core when this is done. When upgrading modules, you should never simply cp over a module that is loaded into ircd. You may delete it then cp, mv it, unload the module from ircd first, move the directory out of the way and start again or numerous other things. Just *dont* do something like: cp m_foo.so ~/ircd/modules/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $Id: README 21191 2005-11-13 22:16:05Z leeh $
Github mirror of operations/debs/ircd/ratbox - our actual code is hosted with Gerrit (please see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Developer_access for contributing)