Spirit Hands

This repo is an improved fork with real configuration syntax, with updates and bug fixes based on jazz_hands.

Spending hours in the rails console? Spruce it up and show off those hard-working hands!

spirit_hands is an opinionated set of console-related gems and a bit of glue:

  • Pry for a powerful shell alternative to IRB.
  • Awesome Print for stylish pretty print.
  • Hirb for tabular collection output.
  • Hirb Unicode for aligned Unicode output.
  • Pry Rails for additional commands (show-routes, show-models, show-middleware) in the Rails console.
  • Pry Doc to browse Ruby source, including C, directly from the console. commits on methods and classes, not just files. (non-JRuby only)
  • Pry Remote to connect remotely to a Pry console.
  • Pry Coolline for syntax highlighting as you type.
  • Debugging (next, step, ...): Ruby (MRI) Pry Byebug, JRuby Pry Nav.


Rails or Ruby Project Integration

Ruby 2.0.0+, Rails 3, 4, 5 or 6 Ruby project, add this to your project Gemfile:

group :development, :test do
  gem 'spirit_hands'

Global usage

[sudo] gem install spirit_hands

That's it. Run rails console as usual.

Ruby compiled against a proper readline library, ideally GNU readline, is recommended. Alternatively, gem install rb-readline for an acceptible backup. Using ruby compiled against a libedit wrapper (primarily OS X) will work but is not recommended.


Change the following options by creating a .pryrc in your Rails or Ruby project

Example .pryrc

  require 'spirit_hands'
  SpiritHands.colored_prompt = false
  SpiritHands.hirb = false
rescue LoadError => e
  raise unless e.message =~ /.*such file.*spirit_hands/
  puts 'no SpiritHands'  


AwesomePrint is enabled by default. SpiritHands.awesome_print = false to disable.


An alias for getting and setting Pry.color


Color the console prompt? Defaults to true when the current ruby is compiled against GNU readline or rb-readline, which don't have issues counting characters in colored prompts. false for libedit.

Note: Pry.color = false trumps this setting and disables all console coloring.


Control whether pry-coolline is activated.

Cooline is enabled by default.

NOTE Pry-coolline is currently disabled by default because it doesn't support full Readline Vi and Emacs emulation. If you really want live syntax highlighting anyhow without full Readline support, specify SpiritHands.coolline=true in ~/.pryrc after require 'spirit_hands'. Also, consider contributing a coolline/pry-coolline PR/fork if you must have this functionality.


Hirb is enabled by default. SpiritHands.hirb = false to disable.


Hirb-unicode is enabled by default when hirb is enabled. SpiritHands.hirb_unicode = false to disable.
No effect when hirb is disabled.


Pseudo-XML-like Syntax as follows

   current command number <cmd/>
   app name               <app/>

   literal less-than <    \<     ( "\\<" in Ruby strings )
   bold                   <bold>....<bold>

   Foreground color:

   black                 <black>...</black>
   and red green yellow blue magenta cyan white

   Background color:

   bgblack bgred bggreen bgyellow bgblue bgmagenta bgcyan bgwhite

   Even the frightening blink tag, where available <blink>...</blink>

More at: SpiritHands::Prompt::Render::MATCHED_TAG_CODES.keys


Separator string between the application name and line input. Defaults to » for GNU readline or libedit. Defaults to > for rb-readline which fails on mixed encodings.


$ gem cert --add <(curl -Ls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/steakknife/spirit_hands/master/gem-public_cert.pem)
$ gem install spirit_hands -P MediumSecurity