The implementation tool of AATT+

Primary LanguageC++


The implementation of AATT+, a tool for detecting concurrency bugs in Android apps. It executes on Linux only.

ART Setup

In order to record execution traces in the pre-processing phase, we need to modify the ART of the Android device. Directory mini-tracing-art6 contains the modified ART, which needs to be installed on the test Android device.

Get Source

Compiling the modified ART requries the whole Android Open Source Project (AOSP).

  1. Make a directory and refer to it as $AOSP_HOME for later usage.
  2. Download AOSP, check out tag android-6.0.1_r77. You can follow instructions at https://source.android.com/source/downloading.
  3. Move $AOSP_HOME/art out of $AOSP_HOME and copy mini-tracing-art into $AOSP_HOME, renaming it art


You can follow instructions at https://source.android.com/source/building.

  1. Source build env
$ . $AOSP_HOME/build/envsetup.sh
  1. Lunch configuration
$ lunch aosp_arm-eng
  1. Make
$ make libart libart-compiler -j 8

Known tool chain bug: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=209698


  1. Flash the factory image 6.0.1-M4B30Z to Nexus 5. You can download the image at https://developers.google.com/android/images#hammerhead.
  2. Connect the phone to your computer. The phone must be rooted first.
  3. Install the modified art

   $ $AOSP_HOME/art/install_libart.sh

Note: if executing install_libart.sh reports errors such as "su: invalid uid/gid '-c'", switch all -c in the install_libart.sh to 0.


The project provides an example subject MultiPing, which is in folder Subject.

To test an App, its apk file is required. Put the apk file into the Subject folder. Make sure there is only one apk file in the Subject folder.

An Config.txt file is also requried. An example is in the project. There must be a space before and after each equation.

  • appPack: The package name of the app.
  • appLaunch: The launcher activity of the app.
  • uiautoDir: Default works just fine, need no to modify it.
  • APK_NAME: The name of the apk name.
  • SDK_Dir: The directory of the Android SDK.
  • android_version: the android platform version requried to compile the app.


Connect the phone with modified ART to your computer. It must be the only Android device connect to your phone (the current implementation does not support emulator).

Execute bash -x exec.sh and wait for complementation.

The results will be in the VMDriver\Output folder.

  • crash_log contains the stack information if there's a crash.
  • execution_log contains the execution log of the manifestation phase.