
The Quake 2 OpenTDM mod used on the PacketFlinger.com servers

Primary LanguageC


OpenTDM is an open source team deathmatch and duel mod for Quake II.

Client Commands

commands Show available commands

id Enable player ID of whoever is closest to your crosshair

accept Accept a team invite

admin/referee <password> Become an admin

captain Set/Show team captain

ready Once all players are ready the match will start

notready/unready/noready Unset your ready status

talk Send a message to a specific player

details/players/playerlist Show current players and their IDs

vote Propose changes for players to vote on

yes/no Cast your vote

menu Show the OpenTDM menu

join/team <team> Join specified team

settings/matchinfo Show the current match settings

observer/obs Leave your team, joining spectators

chase [quad/invuln/killer/leader/none] Enter selected chasecam mode

overtime Show overtime settings

timelimit/tl Show timelimit

bfg Show BFG settings

powerups Show powerup settings

obsmode Show obsmode settings

stats/accuracy [playername] Show your statistics or player of your choice

oldstats/oldaccuracy Show stats from the previous match

teamstats/teamaccuracy Show stats for the team

oldteamstats/oldteamaccuracy Show stats for the team for the previous match

rejoin/ghost/restore/recover Rejoin your team during a match

tskin [model/skin] Sets the team skin

eskin [model/skin] Sets the enemy team skin

topshots/bottomshots Show best/worst accuracy for all weapons from previous match for all players

playerconfig Show the playerconfig data downloaded from the config/API server

weapontimer Start a 30 second weapon timer

armortimer Start a 20 second armor timer

Team Captain Commands

kickplayer/removeplayer/remove <id> Remove a player from your team

lock/lockteam Locks a team, prevents anyone from joining it

pick/pickplayer <id> Picks a player to join your team

invite <id> Invite a player to join your team

teamskin [model/skin] Change your team skin

teamname <name> Change your team name

teamready/readyteam Force all players on your team to ready

teamnotready/notreadyteam For all players on your team to not ready

time/calltime/pause/ctime Call a timeout during a match, freezing all players and stopping the clock

speclock Lock team against spectators

specinvite <id> Allow particular spectators to observe a speclocked team

Admin/Referee Commands

acommands Show admin command list

overtime/ot <0/1/2> [minutes] Set the overtime mode

Value Description
0 Tie - the match ends even if scores are tied
1 Overtime - Adds [minutes] to the clock
2 Sudden death - game ends on the next frag

timelimit/tl <minutes> Sets the timelimit

bfg [0/1] Turn off/on BFG

powerups [0/1] Turn off/on powerups (quad, powershield, etc)

obsmode [speak/whisper/shutup]

Value Description
0 Speak - everyone is able to talk during a match
1 Whisper - players can talk, spectators can talk to each other
2 Shutup - only player can talk, specs are muted

break End the current match

time/hold Pause the current match

changemap <mapname> Change the current map

mute [id] <minutes> Mute a player, default time is 5 minutes, 60 minute max

unmute [id] Restore a player's ability to speak after being muted

bans Show current bans

readyall/startcountdown Force all players ready

notreadyall For all players not ready

shuffle Randomly shuffle team players

Server Commands

sv settings Show current match settings

sv savedefaults Set currently changed CVARs as the defaults

sv applysettings Config has been changed, make sure it's applied in the gamestate

sv demostatus See the current status of server demo

Server CVARs

g_admin_password <string> Admin/referee password

g_admin_vote_decide <0/1> Whether admin instantly decides votes

g_team_a_name <string> The name for the first team

g_team_b_name <string> The name for the second team

g_locked_names <0/1> Players can/cannot change team names

g_team_a_skin <string> The model/skin used for the first team

g_team_b_skin <string> The model/skin used for the second team

g_locked_skins <0/1> Players can/cannot change team skins

g_match_time <integer> Match time limit in seconds, default: 600

g_match_countdown <integer> Match countdown time in seconds, default: 15

g_vote_time <integer> How long votes last in seconds, default: 30

g_intermission_time <float> How long intermissions lasts (scoreboard after match) in seconds, default: 5

g_force_screenshot <0/1> Force all players to take a screenshot of the intermission screen, default: 0

g_force_record <0/1> Force all players to record a demo of the match, default: 0

g_tdm_allow_pick <0/1>

Value Description
0 default, pick acts like invite command
1 allow direct picking of players to a team, they don't have to accept

g_tdmflags <integer> dmflags for tdm mode. Add up the values below

Value Description
1 no health
2 no powerups
4 weapons stay
8 no falling damage
16 instant powerups, they activate on pickup
32 same map
64 teams by skin
128 teams by model
256 no friendly fire
512 spawn farthest
1024 force respawn
2048 no armor
4096 allow exit
8192 infinite ammo
16384 quad drop
32768 fixed FOV
default: 1040

g_itdmflags <integer> dmflags for itdm mode, default: 142427

g_1v1flags <integer> dmflags for 1v1 mode, default: 1040

g_itemflags <integer> weapons to remove, add em up

Value Item
2 shotgun
4 super shotgun
8 machinegun
16 chaingun
32 grenades
64 grenade launcher
128 rocket launcher
256 railgun
512 bfg
1024 hyperblaster
default: 0

g_powerupflags <integer> powerups to remove, add em up

Value Item
2 quad damage
4 invulnerability
8 powershield
16 powerscreen
32 silencer
64 rebreather
128 environment suit
default: 0

g_gamemode <0/1/2> The game mode

Value Description
0 team deathmatch mode
1 instagib team deathmatch mode
2 duel mode
default: 0

g_tie_mode <0/1/2> What to do if a match is tied

Value Description
0 tie, end the match anyway
1 overtime, add time to the clock (g_overtime)
2 sudden death, next frag wins
default: 1

g_overtime <integer> Overtime in seconds if g_tie_mode set to 1, default: 60

g_chat_mode <0/1/2> How players are allowed to chat

Value Description
0 Everyone can chat
1 Players chat freely, spectators only with other spectators
2 Only players can talk
default: 0

g_teleporter_nofreeze <0/1>

Value Description
0 Default q2 behavior, forward motion is stopped when going through teleporters
1 Q3 style, continue motion through teleporters
default: 0

g_fast_weap_switch <0/1/2/3/4> how fast weapons switch

Value Description
0 Normal speed
1 Fast
2 Instant
3 Insane
4 Extreme
*default: 0

g_max_timeout <integer> Max length of a timeout in seconds, default: 300

g_respawn_time <integer> Number of seconds players respawn if force respawn flag is enabled, default: 5

g_idle_time <integer> Number of seconds an inactive player is removed from a team, default: 300

flood_waves <integer> Number of taunts to be considered a flood, default: 6

flood_waves_perminute <integer> Number of taunts per minute to consider a flood, default: 6

flood_waves_waitdelay <integer> Number of minutes players can't taunt after a flood, default: 10

g_maplistfile <string> Filename for the maplist, disabled if blank, default: blank

g_bugs <0/1/2> Controls bug fixes to original q2

Value Description
0 Fix all bugs
1 Enable gameplay bugs like quad-grenades
2 Enable serious bugs like shooting through walls/corpses
*default: 0

g_allow_vote_config <0/1> Enable voting for config files in the /configs folder, default: 1

g_auto_rejoin_match <0/1> Players from previous match will/won't auto rejoin the same teams, default: 1

g_auto_rejoin_map <0/1> Players from previous map will/won't rejoin teams automatically, default: 1

g_motd_message <string> Sets message of the day

g_allow_name_change_during_match <0/1> Players can't/can change names during match, default: 1

g_http_enabled <0/1> Disables/Enables HTTP support for webconfigs, webstats, default: 1

g_http_bind <string> IP address to use for HTTP, default: blank

g_http_proxy <string> IP:port or hostname:port for proxying HTTP requests, default: blank

g_http_domain <string> Domain for webconfig/playerconfig downloads, default: opentdm.org

g_http_path <string> URL path for websconfig/playerconfig downloads, default: /

g_1v1_spawn_mode <0/1/2> How spawns are picked in duel mode

Value Description
0 3.20, avoid closest, bugged
1 3.20, fixed
2 true random
default: 1

g_tdm_spawn_mode <0/1/2> How spawns are picked in TDM mode, default: 1

g_vote_mask <integer> Enable particular vote options, add them up

Value Description
1 timelimit
2 map
4 kick
8 weapons
16 powerups
32 gamemode
64 unused
128 teleport mode
256 tiemode
512 weapon switch mode
1024 overtime
2048 local config
4096 web config
8192 chat
16384 match restart
32768 bugs
65536 TDM spawn mode
131072 1v1 spawn mode
262144 match abort
524288 shuffle
default: -1 (all)

g_command_mask <integer> Enable particular commands

Value Description
1 speclock
default -1 (all)

g_vote_attention <0/1/2/3> How aggressively we try to bring votes to the attention of otherwise obtuse players, values stack

Value Description
0 Don't do anything special, no sounds, etc
1 Play sound specified by g_vote_attention_sound
2 Prevent players from shooting until they cast a vote
3 Freeze players in place until they vote

g_vote_attention_sound <string> The sound file played when vote is called and g_vote_attention value is greater or equal to 1, default: misc/pc_up.wav

g_record_mvd <integer> Will record a multi-view server demo of <integer> matches. Only works with Q2Pro server, default: 0

g_weapon_hud <0/1> Allow the weapon hud, default: 1 (allowed) Players still need to enable the hud using the hud command or setting the proper userflag: set uf "256" u

Client CVARs

stats_id <string> u Userinfo variable. Obtain your ID from https://opentdm.org for playerconfigs and stats. Note the u at the end

uf <integer> u Userflags, add them up (note the u again)

Value Description
1 Auto Screenshot Force screenshot of intermission screen
2 Auto Record Force demo recording of every match
4 Local FOV Keep your FOV when chasing
8 Mute Players Ignore all player chat
16 Mute Observers Ignore all Spec chat
256 Weapon Hud Enable the weapon hud

amask <integer or string> u Userinfo Variable. Which armor you want to time upon pickup. Either add up the integer value or combine the string value in any combination including +/-all. Example: -all +ra +ya for only timing body and combat armors.

Int Value String Value Description
1 ga or jacket Jacket Armor
2 ya or combat Combat Armor
4 ra or body Body Armor
8 sh or shard Armor Shard

wmask <integer or string> u Userinfo Variable. Which weapons you want to time upon pickup. Either add up the integer value or combine the string values in any combination including +/-all. Example: -all +cg +rl for only timing chaingun and rocketlauncher.

Int Value String Value Description
1 sg or shot Shotgun
2 ssg or sup Super Shotgun
4 mg or mac Machinegun
8 cg or cha Chaingun
16 hg or han Hand Grenade
32 gl or gre Grenade Launcher
64 rl or roc Rocket Launcher
128 hb or hyper Hyperblaster
256 rg or rail Railgun
512 bfg or 10k BFG10K