
This project started as a personal challenge to test my skills after learning the basics of C and C++

Primary LanguageC++


This project started as a personal challenge to test my skills after learning the basics of C and C++. The goal was to create a basic program related to cybersecurity to assess my abilities. With guidance from ChatGPT, I embarked on this journey to push my coding boundaries and explore the realm of cybersecurity.

Project Overview

The Passsword Maneger Project is designed to be a simple yet effective program that demonstrates fundamental concepts related to cybersecurity. It serves as a practical exercise to:

  • Apply C and C++ programming knowledge.
  • Explore cybersecurity-related functionalities.
  • Improve problem-solving skills.

Getting Started

To run this project locally, follow these steps:

Clone the Repository: Use the following command to clone the repository to your local machine.

git clone https://github.com/skullhat/PassswordManeger.git

Compile the Code: Depending on the programming language used (C or C++), compile the code using an appropriate compiler.

g++ PasswordManeger.cpp -o PasswordManeger

Run the Program: Execute the compiled binary to run the Password Maneger on terminal.


Project Idea: Password Strength Checker (chatGPT)

  1. Project Description: Develop a program that checks the strength of user passwords. The program should evaluate various criteria such as length, character types (uppercase, lowercase, digits, special characters), and common password patterns.

  2. Features to Implement:

    • User input: Prompt the user to enter a password.
    • Length check: Ensure the password meets a minimum length requirement.
    • Character types check: Verify if the password contains uppercase, lowercase, digits, and special characters.
    • Common patterns check: Compare the password against a list of common patterns, such as dictionary words, repetitive characters, or sequential numbers.
    • Strength rating: Provide a rating or score indicating the password strength.
    • Feedback: Give the user feedback on how to improve the password if it is weak.
  3. Optional Enhancements:

    • Password generation: Add an option to generate a strong password automatically.
    • Password storage: Implement a simple mechanism to securely store passwords, such as using a hashed version and salt.
  4. Implementation Steps:

    • Design the program structure and define the necessary functions.
    • Implement the input prompt and validation for password requirements.
    • Develop functions to check the length, character types, and common patterns.
    • Calculate the strength rating based on the criteria.
    • Provide appropriate feedback to the user.
    • Test the program thoroughly and fix any issues.

Starting with this project will give you hands-on experience in C and C++ programming, as well as practical knowledge about password security. Remember to follow secure coding practices, especially when handling user input or storing passwords.

Good luck with your project!