If you want to run your own BreachDB service, you're totally welcome to (particularly for testing / development, I imagine). It just takes a few steps to set up (since I wrote this for myself and not for others). Basically: - Create a MySQL database, and create a user with select/update/insert permissions - In the db/ folder, there's a file called breachdb.sql; import it with the following command: $ mysql -u root -p -D <database name> < breacndb.sql - Create a file in your home directory called auth.rb that looks like this: DB_HOST='localhost' DB_USERNAME='breachdb' DB_PASSWORD='breachdb_password' DB_DB='breachdb' - Run web.rb: ruby ./web.rb You should be good to go! If you want to take advantage of some test data I wrote, do this: - Create a MySQL database called breachdb_test - Create a user called breachdb_test with the password breachdb_test and grant it full access to the breachdb_test database - cd test ; ./test.sh That should load a bunch of test data into the database and get it going. You can then use: - cd test ; ./test_web.sh To fire up a web server that points to that test database.