
App to write journal digitally. Simple as that.

Primary LanguagePython


App to write journal digitally.

PyPI version


  • Write your journal using Markdown in your favorite text-editor.
  • Stores written journals in a comprehensive directory structure.
  • View the journals (Markdown rendered in HTML) in browser.


Install it using pip

$ pip install journalist


$ python3 journalist.py -h
usage: journalist.py [-h] {write,view} name

positional arguments:
  {write,view}  Task to do
  name          The name of the journal

optional arguments:
  -h, --help    show this help message and exit

Usage Examples

Writing journal

Journals are stored in the directory ~/.journalist in the following structure.

$ tree .journalist 
└── journalname
     └── YYYY
        └── MM
            └── YYYY-MM-DD-Day.md

For example, an example ~/.Journalist directory may contain

$ tree .journalist 
├── personal
│   ├── 2017
│   │   └── 12
│   │       └── 2017-12-28-Thu.md
│   └── 2018
│       └── 01
└── technical
    ├── 2017
    │   └── 12
    │       ├── 2017-12-28-Thu.md
    │       └── 2017-12-29-Fri.md
    └── 2018
        └── 01
            └── 2018-01-03-Wed.md

10 directories, 4 files

To write in a the journal personal, type in the following...

$ python3 journalist.py write personal
  • If any journal named personal already exists, it will open up the relevant .md file corresponding to the system date (creating it if it doesn't exist).
  • If any journal named personal doesn't exist, it will prompt the user if they want to create a new journal. If they agree, it will do so and open the corresponding .md file as described above.

The markdown file will be opened in the editor mentioned in the config.yaml file (default is nano). If you change it to something else, make sure an file named filename.md can be opened using that editor by typing editor filename.md in the terminal.

Viewing journal

$ python3 journalist.py view personal 
[*] Starting Journalist viewer webapp...
[*] View this journal at
 * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

Opening the URL in the browser would show us the journal entries rendered in HTML.