Temporary Maven repository, until I add my artifacts to Maven Central ...
Most things here should be Apache licensed, but please check the individual projects; there might be forks of thrid-party projects too.
Maven Instruction :
This script expects the following projects pulled from Github in a single parent folder (all the projects should be at same level):
- /skunkiferous/Maven.
- /skunkiferous/Common.
- /skunkiferous/PrimitiveFunc.
Run the following command to build any one of these project.
mvn -DaltDeploymentRepository=internal::default::file://<ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_MAVEN_PROJECT_FOLDER> ^
deploy -pl ../Common -am deploy
mvn -DaltDeploymentRepository=internal::default::file://D:/GithubPublic/Maven deploy -pl ../oss-parent
Recently, I got errors if a project and it's parent are both refered at the same time as modules. So I need to deploy them "separetly".
This command is being executed from 'Maven' project directory.
Switch '-am' ('also make') also builds the other projects that this project is dependent on.
remove '-pl ../Common -am deploy' part to build all the projects.
Verify and commit the artifacts in github.
IMPORTANT : Increment the versions of all the projects that were deployed and pushed to github so that the future release artifacts do not overwrite them.
To include these artifacts as dependencies use following repository entry in your pom.xml.