
A lite development env for BOSH

Primary LanguageShell


A lite development env for BOSH using Warden from within Vagrant.

This readme also includes demonstrates how to deploy Cloud Foundry into bosh-lite.


For all use cases, first prepare this project with bundler & librarian-chef.

  1. Install vagrant

    Known to work for version:

    $ vagrant -v
    Vagrant 1.3.5

    Note: for OSX and VirtualBox you are required to use Vagrant 1.3.4+

  2. Install Vagrant omnibus plugin

    vagrant plugin install vagrant-omnibus
  3. Install Ruby + RubyGems + Bundler

  4. Run Bundler from the base directory of this repository

  5. Run Librarian

    librarian-chef install

Below are installation processes for different Vagrant providers.

  • VMWare Fusion
  • Virtualbox
  • AWS

USE VMWare Fusion Provider

Known to work with Fusion version 5.0.3

  1. Install vagrant Fusion Plugin + license

    vagrant plugin install vagrant-vmware-fusion
    vagrant plugin license vagrant-vmware-fusion license.lic
  2. Start vagrant from the base directory of this repository (which uses the Vagrantfile)

    vagrant up --provider vmware_fusion
  3. Bosh target (login with admin/admin)

    bosh target
    Target set to `Bosh Lite Director'
    Your username: admin
    Enter password: admin
    Logged in as `admin'
  4. Add a set of route entries to your local route table to enable direct warden container access. Your sudo password may be required.


###USE Virtualbox Provider

  1. Start vagrant from the base directory of this repository (which uses the Vagrantfile)

    vagrant up
  2. Bosh target (login with admin/admin)

    bosh target
    Target set to `Bosh Lite Director'
    Your username: admin
    Enter password: admin
    Logged in as `admin'
  3. Add a set of route entries to your local route table to enable direct warden container access every time your networking gets reset (eg. reboot or connect to a different network). Your sudo password may be required.


###USE AWS Provider

  1. Install Vagrant AWS provider

    vagrant plugin install vagrant-aws
  2. Add dummy AWS box

    vagrant box add dummy https://github.com/mitchellh/vagrant-aws/raw/master/dummy.box
  3. Rename Vagrantfile.aws to Vagrantfile

  4. Set environment variables called BOSH_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and BOSH_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY with the appropriate values. If you've followed along with other documentation such as these steps to deploy Cloud Foundry on AWS, you may simply need to source your bosh_environment file.

  5. Make sure the EC2 secure group you are using in the Vagrantfile exists and allows inbound TCP traffice on ports 25555 (for the BOSH director) and 22 (for SSH).

  6. Run Vagrant from the base directory of this repository (which uses the Vagrantfile):

    vagrant up --provider=aws
  7. Bosh target (login with admin/admin)

    bosh target
    Target set to `Bosh Lite Director'
    Your username: admin
    Enter password: admin
    Logged in as `admin'


  1. If you want to start over again, you can use vagrant destroy from the base directory of this project to remove the VM.
  2. To start with a new VM just execute the appropriate vagrant up command optionally with the provider option as shown in the earlier sections.

Upload Warden stemcell

bosh-lite uses the Warden CPI, so we need to use the Warden Stemcell which will be the root file system for all Linux Containers created by the Warden CPI.

  1. Upload the latest warden stemcell

    bosh upload stemcell http://bosh-jenkins-gems-warden.s3.amazonaws.com/stemcells/latest-bosh-stemcell-warden.tgz

Deploy Cloud Foundry

  1. Use the make_manifest_spiff script to create a cf manifest. This step assumes you have cf-release checked out to ~/workspace and that you have spiff installed.

    make_manifest_spiff will target your bosh-lite director, find the uuid, create a manifest stub and run spiff to generate a manifest at manifests/cf-manifest.yml.

  2. Bosh target and run bosh as normal, passing your generated manifest:

    cd ~/cf-release
    bosh create release
    # enter the name from the deployment-stub.yml file  - for example, 'cf'
    bosh upload release
    bosh deployment /path/to/bosh-lite/manifests/cf-manifest.yml
    bosh deploy
  3. Run the yeti tests against your new deployment to make sure it's working correctly.


    Might look like this:

    # This is the HA Proxy ip in bosh vms (not the cc)
    export VCAP_BVT_API_ENDPOINT=http://api.
    export VCAP_BVT_ADMIN_USER=admin

    b. Run yeti as normal from cf-release/src/tests.. e.g.

    bundle; bundle exec rake prepare; # create initial users/assets
    bundle exec rspec # run!
    ./warden_rspec # Run tests in parallel

SSH into deployment jobs

To use bosh ssh to SSH into running jobs of a deployment, to run the following command:


Now you can now SSH into any VM with bosh ssh:

$ bosh ssh
1. nats/0
2. syslog_aggregator/0
3. postgres/0
4. uaa/0
5. login/0
6. cloud_controller/0
7. loggregator/0
8. loggregator-router/0
9. health_manager/0
10. dea_next/0
11. router/0
Choose an instance: